I dont think this is the first time this has happened. I seem to remember some of circys games being on somthing like this.
heh, starwars battle of yavin is on there. I downloaded that only yesterday.
edit: he's left a nice email address at the top of this page
My submissions are never good enough to be compiled on these =(
The best thing to do just now is to email him and ask for your material to be taken off, as you own the copyright to it. If he refuses, go to higher authority.
This is why you should always have copyright notices and notices saying it's freeware in the installer. E.g. "This is freeware - if you ware charged for this contact ..." However you want to word it carefully so you don't discourage/disallow magazines or other "good guys" putting your creations on their cover CDs etc (although they usually ask first).
If that's the one I think it is, Kaiser Kitty's on there too. If I knew where the guy lived maybe I'd be more interested, but there's nothing I can do about it so I don't care.
Theres a simple way to prove that a game actually is yours. When you've finished it, put it and the source, plus any documentation onto CD and post it off - to yourself. Provided the envelope is unopened and if any legalities DID arise, the timestamp would provide proof that it belongs to you.
There's also another way to prevent your games from being stolen.
Include copyrights and such on your screen, as well as a notice that the game may only be distributed freely.
Of course, word it better than me, because right now I'm very sleepy.
One time, I e-mailed one of those asstards and told him to knock it off, but I ended up getting subscribed to some shitty "Constant Contact" newsletter. Well, the newsletter people found out I didn't subscribe, so they traced the guy's IP. I got his website shut down as a result.
If wishes were fishes then we'd all smell like ladies' underwear.
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
27th January, 2005 at 06:59:27 -
Since this thread is here, I noticed a copyright law blah in some of the games I downloaded here...
Yeah, Circy's idea is foolproof. But it doesn't hurt to include a screen saying "You should not have paid for this game; if you did, then someone broke the law." That way, it's a huge deterrant.
If wishes were fishes then we'd all smell like ladies' underwear.
That does work, my musically talented mate (the one who did my Zombies Now theme tune) used to do it to copyright his work, but now he has some money he uses www.copyright.com. But Circy's way definately is a known way for poor people like us to copyright our work.
That link is down..or something, I can't read the language its written in.
You should check out the copyright act laws in your country. I've known for a while now that Australia has an internet Copyright law that states your work is copyright to you as soon as it is uploaded.
i usually include some kind of message in the readme letting the player know they've been ripped off if they have bought the game. Of course it only works if they read it.
it might make them think twice before bying a compilation with 100's of games on.