The trialer is 18.5MB & is uploaded uncompressed so it can be streamed easyly! So check it out, alot of people are telling me they are very impressed with it all so far!
Tell me what you think, remember though, this is a very earlyer preview of the game, & alot will changed.
Ok Phizzy, you seriously need to grow up, & Davince, the codec for the video is a standerd Windows codec, atleast with WMP10 & if you have WMP10, you shouldnt have a problem viewing it.
Its not the same game over & over again, because if it was, the entire game would still be in windowed mode with little gradient graphics & extremly buggy gameplay. Each time the game has an addition to the series, alot more is added to the game, its not my fault that your just to lazy to get deap enough into the game (part 2) to see all the new improvements made in the game... anyone who's ever actually played the Diamond series through, knows that part one is basicly the warm up part & none of the levels get interesting until you actually get to part 2. I can seriously do without your little comments when it comes to my game, because when it comes down to it, you dont need to even click the link that says Diamond on it, thats the best part about all this. So why do you? Because you feel that you can act superiour? Because your not, expecially with those little comments. Got it? Good...
As I was saying, besides Phizzy, anyone have any oppinions over the new sneak peak of Diamond 5? I want to make sure that this is the best one in the series, & I cant do that unless I actually know what is missing from previous games.
You seriously are a damn retard arent you Phizzy. Nothing but an immature idiot who has nothing better to do in his free time, then to try to make himself seem better then other people, when you obviously arent. So shutup & leave me alone, because your not going to get to me so save yourself a brain cell & stop trying.
Umm, I'll check out the codecs in Camtasia Studio 2 then, because something must have gone wrong while it was compiling it, because i have a few friends who cant view it either. I'll check into that & reupload it tonight.
The only thing with Diamond is, the game gets better as I get better at designing it, & as I get new ideas the game is added to. The 3D artwork will be one of the many things that make Diamond 5 stand out, but there will also be alot more objects & puzzles added to the new version of Diamond that will make sure that once you play through, you'll find its alot more fun then last.
Also, the other reasion the game is being added in so many series, is because once you beat the puzzles once, you cant beat them again & expect to have fun the second way through. The fact that new Diamond games are released with completly new & challenging puzzles, is giving you a chance to play Diamond all over, just without the same boring old puzzles. Completly new puzzles. That is the MAIN goal of creating so many games in the series, its not to show off nor is it to just keep making them in my free time. They are to keep feeding the players who originally liked & appearently beat the earlyer games, with new & better challenges then before.
"diamond 5 makes all the other diamond games look like n00b games!!"-CKarl
This time Diamond 5 is taking a turn for the best, & so far, those who have gotten the chance to actually play the test level of Daimond 5, all agree to the simple fact, it is going to top all the other games in the series by a long shot.
Edit: What I ment by that, was that I didnt compress it into a ZIP or RAR file so that you didnt have to download it completely, you could watch it as it was playing. Sorry, I wasnt completly clear on what I ment there.