Not as impressive? well this has atleast 1 minute of ingame footage, the last trailer only really showed of the graphics and such it didnt give too much away, this shows off more gameplay elements of the game alongside some cool looking bosses and abilities.
I'm not going to download it (wmv) I still have that quote off the ZP forums somewhere though
I personally thought wind waker sucked, it was too drawn out and lacked the depth usually in the other ones.
But I did see the first trailer (pre-I'm-never-going-to-use-M$-products-besides-windows-because-I'm-stuck-with-it) and it was teh 1337<=Not being used in an insulting way.
As a boy, I wanted to be a train. I didn’t realize this was unusual—that other kids played with trains, not as them.
Those dragon looking things look so so sweet aswell as riding the big boar thing and the giant spider, what am i talking was all good
Smeby: hehe beaten, ive beaten nine i need to get minish cap though, to my dissapointment heard it wasnt that great
I'm working on getting through A Link To The Past right now. Excellent game so far. I was always a Sega kid growing up, and never owned a Nintendo console until the Gamecube. I've been playing catch-up since then.