Yeah, this means we have the weekend to do our games, and because I had exams today and yesterday, working on it was interrupted a lot. To be perfectly honest I should have been revising, but it was only "Religious Studies" (read "Forced study earning half a GCSE").
I was originally going to give this a go, but I'm too busy w/ work and stuff to really dedicate enough time to it. I'm interested to see what people come up with tho, given the short timeframe.
Remember, you have to post your games in this thread before it's locked to be qualified. And if you don't have your game quite done, just post what you have.
Mine will only have one quest at the moment, if i have time i might put in a side quest! Ive got the battle system working perfectly now, including leveling up, just need to link it to the overworld.
BTW, is a non-turn based RPG okie, its not 'zelda-ish' but it is semi reaction based (ie blocking) kina like Mario and Luigi for the GBA.