as you can guess I've run into another problem with vitalize :/
The String parcer won't load .txt files when vitalized
It works A-O.K. as an .exe as usual, but when vitalized it just dies inside!
another thing I'd like to ask while I'm at it; I used the html code for vitalize from, but the loadin bar doesn't work.. it shows, but it doesn't move.
Very odd.
I always have a thought in my mind & a song in my head.
When its on the internet, it doesnt have access to the txt file your loading on your computer if thats the case. Thats the only reasion it might work for EXE but not for CCN. Never really found out how exactly it would be fixed, but I believe it has something to do with loading the txt files through FTP. If thats the case, a nice Sitesled account & a tutorial on how to do it, & you should be set.
Currect me if I'm wrong, like I said, thats my only explination for why it would work offline, but not online.
Yeah, I'm not sure of the specifics of Vitalize games. As far as I know, file loading/saving is disabled for security reasons.
However, I *think* that Vitalize extensions have access to the temp directory. Basically, your vitalize files are downloaded to a folder in temp, and any files within that folder can be executed.
The Vitalize Plugin extension for MMF gives you the option to download a file into the temp directory. Once it's done, that file can then be read by your game.
The filenames are relative to the temp folder. So if you download a file and call it 'bill.txt', then to load it again you must call it 'bill.txt'.
You don't need to give a directory for it.
(Note. This may be total rubbish. I haven't used Vitalize for years, but I *think* it's correct)
have you tried to set the source file as such - {appdrive$ + appdir$ + "file" + ".txt"}?
then upload that text file to your server or webhost
i find that specifying the file extension helps reduce errors (i've never really experienced them, but that's my own mentality) this might work for you, maybe you haven't uploaded the file (Maybe you should give us more details, like what exactly you uploaded, the *.ccn the *.txt etc)
That only works if the txt file your looking for is actually on the persons computer, it wont automaticly go & look for the publishers computer & search there PC for it.
well it won't load directly from site, tried the temp thing, but it won't download...
do you have to have the complet URL to download something using the vitalize plugin?
I always have a thought in my mind & a song in my head.