Please Help me I don't know how to use DMc2 I want to play a MP3
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
5th October, 2005 at 02:13:53 -
Wow, really?
Okay, I'll explain anyway... Copy your MP3 to your game directory. Give it a simple name, like music1.mp3 or something. Then go to the event editor and create the next event:
- On start of level: Play MP3 Appdrive$ + Appdir$+ "music1.mp3"
Appdrive$ and Appdir$ are special values in TGF and MMF to let the game / app look in its own directory (thus where your mp3 would be).
The above is rather oversimplified - at the start of a frame, you need to Initialise BASS, then OpenStream. The OpenStream action needs two inputs - the name of the file (use the line that DaVince provided, or just ".\music.mp3"), then 0 for non-looping or 1 for looping.
After that's done, use PlayStream to start the music.
At the end of a frame/end of the application, you need to CloseStream and TerminateBass - otherwise either the music will keep playing after the application closes, or it'll just crash.
someimes not terminating bass.dll will make the game still run in the backround (ie it will be closed but you can see it in processes.
This will stop you opening ay other click game until you close it manually so it's important to mae sure you terminate it.
Deleted User
5th October, 2005 at 08:59:31 -
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
5th October, 2005 at 11:10:31 -
Oh right, I forgot it a bit because I use ModFX more now... Anyway, it's not too hard as you see.
In every moment, pretious life is drained from our souls. It's shame that, upon the point of acknowledging this, there's nothing much left of us anymore... (Saadi Golestam)
EDIT: I swear, I didn't double-post, it simply did by itself. This was an identical thread with the one above.
Edited by the Author.
In every moment, pretious life is drained from our souls. It's shame that, upon the point of acknowledging this, there's nothing much left of us anymore... (Saadi Golestam)
Thanks, David. And yeah, I admit, each time I close the application that uses DMC2, I need to use the Task Manager to end the process .
It's a good plugin though. Wouldn't have written a tutorial otherwise.
In every moment, pretious life is drained from our souls. It's shame that, upon the point of acknowledging this, there's nothing much left of us anymore... (Saadi Golestam)