Hey people. I just joined the daily click thing recently and hell, its kick ass. My first ever post will be on the subject of graphics. Coz hot damn! most of the games in here have awesome graphics, its hard to keep up with the quality. I used to be the kinda click gamer that would make a full game in less than a week...but from what iv seen im gonna have to start spending months on them to compete.
Anywho, in my opinion graphics are one of the most important things in a game (on the same level of importance as gameplay) and i was wondering what paint tool you people use. So far iv been using either flash (which has a weird issue when importing to MMF) or the MMF built in tool (which aint that bad). Do you know of any others that I should download that are good? (Mainly intrested in freeware here coz erm...im poor). Thanks
Oh and hello to all you TDC dudes! I hope i wont be too much of a n00b.
Everyone here just seems to click!
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
9th November, 2005 at 22:11:25 -
NOOB is an attitude, so really anyone could be one. A newbie, on the other hand...
I don't think you'll have a problem being a n00b.
I use paint, and Kid Pix Deluxe.
Oh, and welcome to TDC
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
I use Graphics Gale. It's a really nice picture editor produced with pixelart in mind. And now they've released a Free version for us poor bastards.
Can't remember their site adres at the moment. But just google it and you'll undoubtly find it.
Ah, cool cool. I'll give that Graphics Gale thing a look. I ran into this program the other day called Pro Motion which I really like. Sadly I have 15 days left to make the most of it before it...like...explodes or something
Nothing beats photoshop though when it comes to editting large backgrounds and giving them unique effects.
Try to find Autodesk Animator v1.02! I use this for animations it uses fomats FLI/GIF wich is standard with KNP and TGF..maybe MMF too? U can do pretty nice gfx with it and is simple to use! But to find this program can be hard!
By now it is abandoware, so it should be free for download!
Hmmm, Autodesk Animator is no where around dude. I googled to the max and still can't find it. That GIMP thing is pretty darn cool tho. Its complex (which is good over time) so I gotta get used to it. But very fancy tools indeed and a nice lil package for 3.6MB!
Bah, don't let it get to you. It happens alot here. Good luck with GIMP dude, I'd consider it more powerful than PS (Select by shape kicks so much ass) as a base piece of software. But you can't beat Adobe's 3rd party support.
Edit: Oh yeah, Gimp has it's roots in Linux, so some things are a bit strange about it (I'd kill for an MDI interface, and right clicking on the picture to bring up the File Menu is a bit strange too.)
C&C/TGF Build in animation editor for pixel art, or Painter2, and Paintshop Pro 7.2 for other stuff, photoshop is a bit cluttered for my liking, as is PSP8/9/10