I am currently having Moogame problems. (same problems arise in mooclick too) I cannot connect to a mooserver
I am currently working on a MMORPG game and have been running off of helper3000.com; port 1209. Untill recently helper3000 has been working fine for me as a mooserver. I have contacted the people there and said that the server is still running. But why can I not connect? I have tryed connecting from 3 computers on my LAN network. I have looked into my LAN settings and nothing is being blocked for thoes ports or anything.
Even though that doesn't work, I can run a server off of and off of
The is a loop around to your own computer. The is a LAN ip address for only my LAN; In fact, everyone who has a lan has the IP address of 192.168.x.x so no outside computer off of my LAN can find my mooserver.
IPchicken.com or any other IP finders have not worked. (although there was only this ONE program that did seem to give me my IP address but I lost it and don't know if it would give me the same results if entered in my game)
Unless Moogame has its own special designed IP address (wich it does not) then I have ran out of IP addresses.
I know for a fact that my code isn't wrong becasue of two reasons
1) I have been testing my game for a while by connecting to helper3000
2) I can use the loop around or the as my LAN IP.
If there is a downloadable IP finder program that could help me in any way, please notify me.
And don't give me a program that would give me the result "".
Twas a joke,
"If there is a downloadable IP finder program that could help me in any way, please notify me.
And don't give me a program that would give me the result "". "
I read what you wrote very quickly so might not have understood completely.
Firstly, only computers on your LAN can connect to your private IP address. If you try IPchicken.com, what address does it give you? Anyway - as far as I am aware, no Moo extensions can give you your actual IP address. So to do it - you would need to use a PHP script, and MooSock.
Anyway first tell me what IP address you get on www.ipchicken.com - then i'll tell you how to do the whole PHP thing.
This is a signature. Have this one on me.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
28th January, 2006 at 22:19:50 -
I just go to the command prompt and type in 'ipconfig' for my ip address. Dunno if that helps.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Actually, I installed the router 2 years ago. That is not the source of the problem. Althought I bet that if I use dial-up and aquire my IP, it would work{wink}
I can almost guarantee it is your router.
Routers have firewalls and they block ports - including ones sent from Moo.
You must port-forward the port in your router before you can host games and get people to join them. In your case, you need to port-forward 1209.
If you haven't done this in the last 2 years, then I'm 90% certain this is the problem.
ARG! I port forwarded, and you know what? LANS ARE THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL! the speed is nice, but I would rather have mooclick/moogame.
The wierd thing is, that I exported as a cca (vitalize) and mooclick/moogame worked!
Sadly, I used extentions not supported by Vitalized and I am NOT going to make this game in a cca file. I am going to have to have to test my games under and release my game. I will never get to play it but at least you can *starts crying*
Listen here k.
First, change all the ports you're using in-game to 1203. Doubt it'll make a difference, 1209 should work but just use 1203.
Port forward 1203 on YOUR IP ADDRESS using you're routers control panel. Make sure you don't do this for the other computers on your network, because then it'll only work on them. You can search google on finding out how to do this.
Next, if you want to connect to yourself - using an IP address to do it is a bad idea and never works for me neither. Instead, host a server on 1203 in one client, and connect to "localhost" on 1203 on the other. Localhost will connect to "yourself" - this works.
Vitalize, CCAs don't effect it at all.. If it doesn't work as built EXE, you've done something wrong.