Posted By
Deleted User
7th May, 2006 at 15:31:19 -
I was eatin' a bagel and thinkin' about THUNDER CATS and how muchevery one seemed to love it well since they don't show it on regular TV anymore Boomerang shows it so if you like it you should get boomerang and to the europeans do they have boomerang there?
The Chris Street Administrator
Unspeakably Lazy Admin
Registered 14/05/2002
Points 48488
7th May, 2006 at 15:41:05 -
I think most of us are just slightly too old for Thundercats
AndyUK Mascot Maniac
Registered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
7th May, 2006 at 15:42:58 -
I watched it when i was about 5 years old.
Deleted User
7th May, 2006 at 15:43:07 -
not really phizzy loves it.... and... well phizzys all i Really <I/> had in mind when i posted that but I figured that others would love what phizzy does!
Deleted User
7th May, 2006 at 15:45:43 -
I uswed to watch it when i was like 8-10 but... never mind
Ski TDC is my stress ball
Registered 13/03/2005
Points 10130
7th May, 2006 at 15:45:59 -
wtf BULLSHIT. How can anyone be too old for cartoons?
Leighton Williams
Registered 24/04/2005
Points 173
7th May, 2006 at 15:46:29 -
My brother loves thundercats, got to find out the times on sky so I can tell him!
(Rushs down stairs to find out the times its on boomerang)
If you fail, try try again... You'll get it in the end
Leighton Williams
Registered 24/04/2005
Points 173
7th May, 2006 at 15:57:34 -
I just looked on A to Z on SKY and guess what I found, nothing on thunder cats, I'm sure I saw a ad for it a while back though, maybe they stopped it on the UK Boomerang. what a shame.
or maybe you could tell me the day its on so I can check then?
If you fail, try try again... You'll get it in the end
Matt Boothman The Nissan Micra of forum members
Registered 20/09/2002
Points 109
7th May, 2006 at 18:05:49 -
It's a pile of fuckin toss, what the frig are all you gayboys on about?
Lets have some real conversation about fags and beer and lady bumps. - Listen to my music.
Silveraura God's God
Registered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
7th May, 2006 at 19:11:55 -
Not long ago I was actually watching Boomerang onDemand, we dont have the actual channel, but I do have a good bit of the shows to watch (changing every month if I'm not mistaken).