Colourwise, the Snes can display tons of colours at once (256?). It certainly has a larger overall pallette than the 256 colour mode on TGF or MMF.
Resolution? The standard is 256x224.
If you find the game 'A game with a Kitty' you will see that it uses a large border to get the same resolution even though the game really uses 320x240.
It seems to me that any game that goes for a snes look seems to generally use less colours than would normally be possible on a real Snes, look at 'Noitu love and the army of grinning darns' or 'A game with a Kitty' for two examples.
I wouldn't be surprised if SNES could display its full palette in one screen by altering palette entries between scanlines. So you'll get 256 colors per LINE.
edit: Of course... The SNES wouldn't be fast enough to pull this off in anything but a static screen, or maybe keep the top part of the screen one palette and the lower another.
Edited by the Author.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
The gameboy colour (sorry color) had a bitmap mode where it could display a stupid amount of colours onscreen at once,
maybe the snes had that too? but i don't recall seeing it in any games.
256 colours is ok or most pictures, Donkey kong country looks ok with that limit on it's prerendered sprites and backdrops.
In my opinion, any game that is 2d looks Snesish so long as it is quite colourfull,
8 bit games looked more distinctive given their limitations, and a Megadrive game would usually have a lot of dithering when compared with a Snes game.