I'm guessing Defenestrator is new to click products if he is denies the illogical bugs and bullshit that we have put up with since TGF/Click n Play.
I have every sympathy for deadeye, I know what it is like to struggle against the odds with the crap (I have not bought Fusion2 yet - going to wait till everything is fixed first.)
Don't get me wrong, these programs are excellent but please don't pretend they are bug-free and that people who are struggling against some serious and often invisible problems are bad crafts-men.
I don't really see why everybody has a problem with Defenestrator all of a sudden, he has been a random digibully for years. About MMF2 holding back the progress of a game, it is actually able to screw up a game setting you back a few hours, sometimes killing your interest in finishing it, but it is getting more stable with every new build.
I always find a tingling sensation in my left nut distracts me. I wish I knew what caused it. It hangs slightly lower than the right. Perhaps the sensation is derived from that particular goolie being slightly closer to the Earths core.
Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.
Graphics...I donno jack about sprites, complex action sequence design, lack of cigarettes. I donno how the hell some of you do such impressive graphics in your games, or where to learn how to do graphics decent enough to support good game designs. That, and when I plan out these games, they are never simply...and the notes for them are more complex then a friggin book nuclear reactor cores
1. Running this bloody website
2. Making my own website
3. My girlfriend
4. Work
5. Dead Rising
6. Test Drive Unlimited
7. Just Cause (when it's released)
8. Shopping
9. Going out most evenings
10. Mostly going out when I get days off