I im in a search of two click-games titles they are before 2007
1-Arcade style with UFO
The player direct an UFO ship ,there are many tree in the levels ans the enemy are generaly some mens and some
cows i believe
Your goal is to capture them while putting to you at the top them and by aspiring them using a ray (they worth money)
At the end of the levels tou have a shop with news ships, news ammo etc...
2-Simulation of kitchen arcade kind
Seen direct a robot which must cook meals that are order by customers who arrive the one after the other
You have a sight of the counter you move the robot from left to right you must take the ingredient one by one and this as quickly as possible to put them for example leather etc...
If you do not go rather quickly the customers finishes by grumble and by leaving but if leplat ordered is ready A time you earn money there are three levels dificulty I believe