I remember a zoom tutorial in TGF, using a DLL if i remember.
Is there an object or something to do this full screen Zoom in MMF2? It would really make overhead driving games class, like in the original GTA, when you drive really fast, the camera zooms out so you can see more of the road in front.
Had MMF2 for ages, and need something to work on , have not even run it for months
Yup, I remember a callDLL command which utilised the zoom thingy. If I remember correctly Bernie of Fallen Angel used it for one of his games, back in the day.
Yes i am not deceased, further studies (Might be becoming a Dr! ), women (main reason ) and general life have kept me away from click .
Personally i dont think i am qualified to become a Dr., as i lack a beard hehe.
Hayo and Chris thats the thing i am on about it was buggy , i kind of hoped there was something kick ass in MMF2.
I was making a Overhead Mario Kart game in TGF, got annoyed with TGF and brought MMF2 then got bored as it does not import stuff from the advanced math object and i would have to completely recode the engine...Which i almost finished, but then the summer holidays finished .
I might upload the TGF version engine to upset the TGF naysayers
Lens object can zoom yes, but it is per-pixel operations which is insanely slow without hardware acceleration.
ViewPort object does it the fastest way possible in software mode currently
A tip to keep the ViewPort object on top of everything:
Put it on a seperate layer above the gameplay layer. That way newly created objects will not appear on top of the object and not be zoomed by the object.
That way you can also allow zooming while still having a GUI for your game that isn't affected by having that on a layer above the ViewPort object
You won't get that functionality with the old zoom object.
Hi every one. I've played around with the Viewport object and it seems to have one drawback when using it for this purpose. It seems that you can't have a level that is larger than the screen. In the example that the crater maid he set the screen to a really huge size and then maid the window smaller to allow the playing feald to scroll in the view port. The problem comes when you try to put in full screen mode. In a normal game the playing feald could just scroll with the player but when you use the viewport object it only seems to store the first screens worth of the playing feald.
So if you wont to have a full screen resolution of 800x600 but a playing feald of, say 3200x600 (4 screens long) you would get 1/4th the way and then the object you were tracking would go into black.
As for the lens object in can zoom in and out and go over multipul screens however, it is very slow. As others have said. I tryed looking up the tutorial that Bibin had in his profile but the link seems to be broken.
If any one knows if there is a way to fix this "no multipul screen scrolling" ishue with the vewport object then I'd love to know. I could use it to really good effect in my game.
"Oh, my god! A lightning monster just ripped out this poor woman's eyes, and your mocking her shrubbery!" - The Spoony One