Hey. My current web page is overflown with spam, and I need a new one. Therefore I am asking here if someone can help me code a webpage. The page is already designed, I just need someone to code it. And it's important it has a good spam control system.
My host, Lewis suggested using a WordPress template, but changed his mind after seeing that the design was too complex for the WordPress sytem. Maybe there is another template with a good spam control out there.
I can't offer you anything except virtual hugs and kisses. You may also try out my new action game that I am working on, if that interests you.
I don't think it's too dark. Maybe my monitor is more lit up. Suppose I can make it a little more brighter. But anyone who can actually help me out coding it?
I'm not too keen on the contrast, the black and dark brown go well, but the white throws it off balance. I'd just replace that with a lighter brown, or maybe use it as an excuse to throw in a secondary colour?
Overall I love the layout and can't wait to see it in motion!
I design sites etc ( www.webhero.co.uk ) though I've got lots of things to be doing at the moment like with college etc... so I'd ask for somthing a little more than virtual hugs and kisses from a guy, personally lol, soz :\
Damn right I rock . I'm hoping to be able to get something done in the near future. Hopefully get a bit more time before too long. I'm sure Willy would still appreciate all the help he can get in the mean time.
Yeah, thanks guys I do appreciate all the help I can get. And I would offer you some real payment if it wasn't for that I in fact doesn't have that much money, and I need as much dough I can get when I move out over the summer and start at collage.
I dunno if its gonna help, but I suppose I could put up a donation bit at the page that goes directly to whom code my page, and I won't expect any service of any kind- like I won't expect you to finish it and what not
Well I don't mind ruselling something up for you I suppose, when I gt my PC back in working order... Just that I do so many people's sites for free ¬_¬ *counts this as the eighth...*