Posted By
Registered 18/02/2005
Points 646
27th October, 2007 at 09:50:18 -
hey guys
so here's the thing. I'm making a little top down shooter. I've done most of the main engine with all the guns ready, explosions, gore, blood, sounds, movement, control. all of that.
Now I moved into A.I. so I could start some level design later. SO far everything was goin great. Enemies followed when I got inside their alert area and lost interest after a while of pursuit. and everything was working fine even for multiple enemies.
I went on and added colisions and tried to make them go around objects if they came across one. BUT it works if only one enemy is alert.
If more than one is alert, if the first one touches a solid backdrop both of them bounce or lose interest. and it's suposed to be just for one of them.
I tried with spreading values... no use.
I tried with picking on "enemy" at random... use.
I'm a bit confuse here. What should I do to resolve this?
if nobody has an answer I'll just delete all the crappy code I got and put something else in here. even if it's the crappiest A.I. as long as it works, it's what matters.
mine doesn't work.
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Klikmaster Master of all things Klik
Registered 08/07/2002
Points 2599
27th October, 2007 at 12:54:50 -
It all depends on what your condition is like.
For example:
If enemy hits backdrop -> enemy:bounce Will make that particular enemy bounce.
If enemy's detector hits backdrop -> enemy:bounce Will make all enemies bounce as MMF doesn't know which detector applies to which enemy.
So basically, don't decide to scap your code, there is most likely a logical explanation for your problem that you might have overlooked.
Registered 18/02/2005
Points 646
28th October, 2007 at 07:20:48 -
yeh probably
I'll check if i can do somethin about it.
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Registered 18/02/2005
Points 646
28th October, 2007 at 07:47:07 -
perfect, that worked! thanx allot!
not the smartest A.I. but at least not "goin-throu-walls A.I." lol
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Klikmaster Master of all things Klik
Registered 08/07/2002
Points 2599
28th October, 2007 at 09:59:56 -
Wow, I'm happy I was of help