I cant recall what its really called at this particular moment but I can pretty much speak for all of us when I say that the MMF2 Edit Object Window really sucks. I remember a time when people said the same thing about MMF1 having a terrible Edit Object window but I seem to come to like this. The main differences for me about MMF1 and MMF2 that I particularly dont like how MMF2 has TGF's Edit Object window! It Sucks! So my question is, is if you can change MMF2's Edit Object windo to that of MMF1's?
The graphic editor in MMF2? Yeah I don't like it either it's a lot slower, but I know a lot of people will probably disagree as they never gave the MMF1 editor a chance ;_;
Argh, no! I hated the MMF1 picture editor. I like the MMF2 editor much better, it's so much easier and faster to use. Yeah, it's a bit like the TGF editor, why is that a bad thing? I used to do my graphics in TGF just because of the crappy MMF1 picture editor =P
Anyway, to answer your question: No, I don't think it's possible. I can't see why they'd include two picture editors anyway.
I hate the MMF1 editor too. There's just too much junk in it. MMF2's editor is a huge improvement imo.
I still don't use the MMF2 editor though, because selecting a colour that's not in the pallette simply sucks ass. You have to double click the current colour, click custom and you finally get to the RGB settings. Infuriates me >=(
Originally Posted by Reno I simply just hated the TGF Editor. I actually liked MMF1's Editor :|
MMF1's editor felt to unstable and often (once every hundred or so times is often enough) crashed or started messing up for no reason.
MMF2's editor misses customizable, and a lot of smaller scale features, but makes up for it in amazing stability and perfectly fast speed. Not to mention a streamline merge between animation editor and picture editor, which if I do say so myself, is fantastic! Not much speeds up the work flow better then that, I love it!
In addition, the alpha channels, though could've been implemented better, are a great addition and the ability to open up animations (selecting image01.png will automatically let you select image02.png, image03.png, etc) and transport alpha channels from images.
I do have to admit, though I thought I would hate MMF2's picture editor, I love it now. And yes, I did give MMF 1.5's editor a chance, because if I didn't, then I would not have been hard pressed to say that I thought MMF2's was going to suck.
The MMF1 editor decided that white was a good transparent representative, which is terrible. A checkerboard of definable colours lets you tell what's transparent and what's not.
MMF1.5's Picture editor rulz!!!! C'mon; in comparison MMF2's is underpowered. It doesn't even have non-square selection!! It doesn't have nearly as many brush shapes and loads of other features MMF1.5's had. MMF1.5's was far more customisable too.
Discarded pizza boxes are an indispensable source of cheese.
Originally Posted by Reno There simply aren't enough colours in the pallete
Err... It's the same palette, isn't it? I like the TGF-style palette much more anyway. It was annoying, having to scroll left and right all the time in the MMF1 editor. Oh, and I love the fact that they brought back the "right-click to pick color" thing, I really use that a lot!
Originally Posted by BrandonC MMF1's editor felt to unstable and often (once every hundred or so times is often enough) crashed or started messing up for no reason.
I also used to have a lot of problems with tool buttons getting stuck, and stuff like that. The MMF2 editor is much more stable IMO.
Originally Posted by Markno2
MMF1.5's Picture editor rulz!!!! C'mon; in comparison MMF2's is underpowered. It doesn't even have non-square selection!! It doesn't have nearly as many brush shapes and loads of other features MMF1.5's had.
That's one of the few things I don't like about the MMF2 picture editor: The lack of non-square selection/magic wand tools. Do you seriously use those different brush shapes anyway though?
That's one of the few things I don't like about the MMF2 picture editor: The lack of non-square selection/magic wand tools. Do you seriously use those different brush shapes anyway though?
Yeah, when used with the transparent%-slider, some of them are useful in creating larger backdrops (especially parallax backgrounds). All my graphics now are done in MMF1.5.
Discarded pizza boxes are an indispensable source of cheese.