I would want to make "manager game". You would make factory and select what you want to make (cars,tanks,planes,ships...) And there would be different types of everything. Then you could sell em in "market" and sometimes goverment or something orders something (usually war products) and would pay some extra for it but they could want plane with specific armanent and speed or truck that can carry 4tons and go like 120km/h etc...
Or is this all too hard to make?
No en suosittele alottaan, vaikkakin tossa on se hyvä puoli ettei tarvii hienoja grafiikoita tehdä, niin noi kumminkin on aika paskamaisia toteuttaa. Mut kun luin ton sun jutun niin ei toi nyt niin paha oo, tietenin kauan oot tehny noil ohjelmilla ja mitä, tajuutko valuet ja jonku save jutun etc. Vaikeinta nois yleensä on kun tekee randomi juttuja, mutta yrittänyttä ei laiteta. Valmista enginee tosin voi olla aika hankala löytää.
I have proven new mathematic formula to be true...
2D > 3D
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
19th December, 2007 at 11:11:38 -
Uhh... what?
Well, this certainly is possible to make in Click. Just plan things out in detail before you begin so there are no questions on how you're going to do a specific something (semantically, not technically).