Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
28th December, 2007 at 22:09:50 -
That was quite funny and it was good to see the scammer being brought down, however I felt that some of the abuse was unneeded. I mean Judge Judy was basically calling the woman a whore - "She likes to make children." How the hell is that relevant at all to the case?
The only reason she gets away with half the stuff she does is because she's a Civil Judge. Her antics would have her slapped out of any criminal court, considering she likes to tear up evidence, commit slander, etc.etc.
Well to be fair she didn't target the children as individuals, more that she targeted this woman having kids. Which is fair. It makes her look like nothing more than a baby factory who wants a lazy job to get lazy money.
I definitely agree with the point here, but remember that Judge Judy is an American Reality sort of thing, and they juice it up as much as possible. I'm not even sure of the authenticity of this sort of thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't real. In fact, I bet they work something out where if you go on the show, you end up going to a real court where they pay all the fees for your tv participation. Beats me though.
Originally Posted by Assault Andy That was quite funny and it was good to see the scammer being brought down, however I felt that some of the abuse was unneeded. I mean Judge Judy was basically calling the woman a whore - "She likes to make children." How the hell is that relevant at all to the case?
I love how the American flag sits behind her, standing for a country of freedom, yet she's telling the woman she's not allowed to talk, thus disallowing the scam lady to express/defend herself: a load of crap if you ask me, even if the blonde is a scammer.
It's not so much 'freedom' but more like justice... and there she stands, telling the scammer to shut up It's fair enough really, in my opinion. Justice is harsh but justice is fair, really.
Like a few others here have already said, it's good to see the scammer getting what she deserves etc...
Some of the comments made about her were totally uncalled for. The "Baby Factory" one, like a few people have already said, that wasn't particularly nice, but at 7:15 she also makes a comment about her weight. There was no need to say things like that about her. Sure, what she did was wrong and deserves to be punished, but do it the official way, no need to start making personal attacks on her like that.