It depends if your game start lagging, but there is coming hardware accelator extension, so after that I think you can have 20 000 active objects on screen.
I have proven new mathematic formula to be true...
Depends on what the actives are doing. You can have a lot of static actives but if they've got coding attached to them then you worry! Rotation and resizing will also slow it down unless you're using HWA.
very few of them are animated, but alot do have code attached. it runs smooth as hell on my machine. so fingers crossed i suppose. well find out come testing time.
It seems like the amount of events running has more of an effect on your framerate. Bonesaw doesnt really push the amount of actives, but with all the events I have when it reaches like 100 objects the game slows down to a crawl.
Hmm, then it could be mostly down to the code attached to them actives Xerus. In my game the lowest number of actives possible is about 200 per frame, an average level has 400. Most of them are particles with very little coding attached and they're on a cycle of being created/destroyed.
In the WIP Mirage it averages at 200 with every object having some code attached and it's fine. In my current side project I've got about 150 objects usually (particles!) - it really does depend a lot on what you're doing with them.
Originally Posted by Neo Monkey It depends if your game start lagging, but there is coming hardware accelator extension, so after that I think you can have 20 000 active objects on screen.
Hardware acceleration isn't an extension, it's an update. An update that's available for beta on, and works pretty damn well. 10,0000+ objects, all moving, all animated, all changing their pixel shaders, etc. Solid 60fps.
Originally Posted by Neo Monkey It depends if your game start lagging, but there is coming hardware accelator extension, so after that I think you can have 20 000 active objects on screen.
Hardware acceleration isn't an extension, it's an update. An update that's available for beta on, and works pretty damn well. 10,0000+ objects, all moving, all animated, all changing their pixel shaders, etc. Solid 60fps.
I'm 99% certain MMF doesn't even allow that many objects, especially not at 60fps even with HWA. It does however, throw around pretty much as many actives as you'll usually need!
Originally Posted by Neo Monkey It depends if your game start lagging, but there is coming hardware accelator extension, so after that I think you can have 20 000 active objects on screen.
Hardware acceleration isn't an extension, it's an update. An update that's available for beta on, and works pretty damn well. 10,0000+ objects, all moving, all animated, all changing their pixel shaders, etc. Solid 60fps.
I'm 99% certain MMF doesn't even allow that many objects, especially not at 60fps even with HWA. It does however, throw around pretty much as many actives as you'll usually need!
Only because you must not have ever fully explored the options you were given for frames.