I'm making my biggest game yet (called Halmstad Adventure if anyone is interested), but i have a problem with the saving function.
I've been reading some of the many INI saving articles, and could with help from them save the character your playing stats, gold, experience, position and so on.
This works perfect on my PC, creates a new file called "Saved" when clicking "Save", and loads the saved data when clicking "Load".
I installed this on some friends computer, but when i click on load things won't load, instead you level up constantly When i click on save the map called "Saved" doesn't appear...
I am using TGF2, will perhaps change to MMF later.
Hope anyone can help me with my lil' problem Thanks for reading.
Sounds like you've got an issue with where the ini is located. try doing appath$ + "saved.ini" when you're setting where the INI will be loaded from. This should make it so your INI appears in the same directory as your game.
Originally Posted by Knudde (Shab) Sounds like you've got an issue with where the ini is located. try doing appath$ + "saved.ini" when you're setting where the INI will be loaded from. This should make it so your INI appears in the same directory as your game.
I've donte that (I think), in start of frame i made Ini: Set current file to Appdrive$+Appdirr$+"Saved.ini"
i do that too, but I'm pretty sure there no speed difference
I SHOULD note that there ARE some places where "./" instead of "$appdir" is dead necessary; some extensions and such cannot use spaces in their file names; for example the MCI object in TGF/MMF/MMF2 will not work if you pass it a pathname with spaces in it. So if the user put it in something like "C:/Computer Games/New Demos/stuff.exe", your program wouldn't play music with the MCI object. u gotta use "./filepath" stuff instead