I liked the first Halo. Maybe its just because that was the first 3D game i played that wasn't on my N64 so i was easily impressed. Me back then: "OMG, the marines actually talk"
I remember in the good old'un days we played lion king on the SNES and I said, "WHOA! They speeche engrish!" because I was used to star fox's blua-bluh-bluh-bla-bloo-bla. My brother acted like I was retarded. Anyway, I still like the first halo the best, but I've only playd the third's multiplayer for ten minutes and I've never played the campaign. They wouldn't let me in on designing the third because, "I am very ashamed to work with folks who don't let Windows 98 go public domain and my series be on Wii." But it's who provided the money. 'Nuffa that. Off topic.