Not meaning to hijack this thread, but on the subject of MS Paint, does anyone else have a problem where once they select a tool, they cant select the text tool? I click on the text button at the side and it just beeps at me o.o
Originally Posted by -Adam- Not meaning to hijack this thread, but on the subject of MS Paint, does anyone else have a problem where once they select a tool, they cant select the text tool? I click on the text button at the side and it just beeps at me o.o
You can't use the text tool when you're zoomed in. LAME!
Yes indeed. Right-click color selection is easily the greatest feature MMF has. But I thought even with anti-aliasing on, when you click away from the text in paint, it goes to plain ol' pixely? Maybe that was TGF...
Anti-aliasing is a good thing in pixel art, because it allows you to smooth rough edges. Why you do not want it added, I do not know, but I suppose if you wanted it gone really bad you could zoom in and fix it like this...
However, you will notice that the text with ant-aliasing is far from an ugly since it smooths off those horrible edges. As far as help goes, you might be able to go to a font site and download a font that fits your needs.