But they'd get more business from their old ones. What they're doing right now isn't exactly getting loads of new customers. Anyway, Jeff told me it was planned, they just don't know when. I sincerely hope it's soon. PULL OUT YOUR WALLETS, BOYS!
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
22nd June, 2008 at 20:11:45 -
It's been planned for years though.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Yeah I've been hearing about mmf 3D since I got click and create back in like 99. And it would have made a lot more sense back then. Like I said, if it ever happens and it's good I'll get it.
A MMF3D is probably simple to design. Just add like one demension Z. A way you could like scroll the screen easyly in the level editor. set some camera stuff and make a 3D animation editor is all I can think of. I think If you donate you should get a discount off any Product by how much you donated. I would donate If I wasn't saving up my money on a PS3.
All your base are in another castle, take this.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
22nd June, 2008 at 22:03:06 -
That's fake 3D and MMF can already do that.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
I think a N64 style 3D game would be alright. Doesn't matter much about downloads as long as you're happy with what you've made... I just want to go to my friends and say "hay gise check out this awesome gayum I made. It's 3D!!".
Discarded pizza boxes are an indispensable source of cheese.
An included simple model editor would be cool... with the option of drawing textures straight on the model. But That's just wishful thinking. It seems that making MMF3D wouldn't be too hard, and this is coming from someone ho knows enough to say this. Even though I can't exactly program 3d games doesn't mean I don't know what goes into that kind of stuff... I mean, it would be hard, but compared to making ANY game creation system, it doesn't seem like such a big jump.
Ok everybody. (Sorry for the double post.) Jeff says unless a big publisher/developer gives them enough money to hire more full-time developers, MMF3D will have to be after MMF3 and the Bluray project.
I haven't seen yet a free 3D game maker that's done well. And I'm pretty sure that MMF would have a lot more trouble pulling it off than those other people who were doing it for years. 3D is also a lot more trouble than 2D in the short term - MMF would have a better customer base if they just kept improving the 2D version, especially the interface. They need to go back to basics and try to get an interface that's very friendly, very quick to use, as well as letting the event editor support heavy-duty code so we wouldn't need Dines' E++
But unless MMF come with something with the ease of use of Anime Studio or such, I think MMF3D be a long shot. Even if so, they'd be better off trying to recode KNP into a 3D version.
I think, if any, Construct will end up going 3D earlier. They have much better usage of HWA than MMF and they could make the transition a lot earlier.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
I have to say, "easy" 3D development tools are just about impossible. Opening that up to people would just result in a bunch of n00bs crying over the fact they have to model, texture and map all their objects.
3D and MMF coming together is something I've always been against, get 2D perfect first at least then consider it - maybe. If I was ever going to delve into 3D it would be off of an existing game engine or just something like Ogre3D and actual code, because there are so many more aspects to 3D that an easy tool wouldn't be easy.