What's up with these recent childish tutorial threads titled things like "uh" and "em" where silly things are asked about the rotational speeds of chainsaws? We need to start enforcing some more quality standards.
I wouldn't say that he's randomly locking topics. Mostly the threads that degenerated into spam that should've been locked earlier. I'd change the uh, em titles, but I think that option was removed from the new DC. There was one time when one of the admins (SC, I think) used to yell at guys who posted titles like that.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
The thread about a Mitch comic. It was locked because 90% of it was random quote spam. I feel sorry for Rikus though, I wish he could've gotten some more quality responses. And yes, there really are way too many um. er. yo. topics making no sense whatsoever, lock and delete those!