its halloween, the time to dress up like hobos and eat baked beans and fart all night and tell scary stories about mitch coming alive and eating your pet fish. this halloween i planed on posting a thread on TDC about halloween.....i just done it, now i plan on stuffing my face with candy from last halloween and being sick over my neighbours fence, you gotta love halloween, what do you have planed for halloween clickers. can you count how much times i said halloween.
also i think TDC should change its banner for days like this, like have mitch dress up like a zombie and everyone has to change there name to something scary OR they get banned for life.
some one blows there nose and YOU want to keep it!
Also, another tip for you OSX users... There should be some shiny looking button with a not-quite-closed circle and a line running out of it. It's called a "power button".
Originally Posted by OldManClayton Also, another tip for you OSX users... There should be some shiny looking button with a not-quite-closed circle and a line running out of it. It's called a "power button".
Originally Posted by alspal I think the day just lives on in games now, kids can't be bothered to roam the streets.
Or their parents can't be bothered to let them. >_> Paranoid society. Which, in turn, creates the kind of people who would do something to a little kid. Which, in turn, creates the paranoid society.......