guys probably dont know as much about this as about creating games but what the hell. I just finished writing a book and I have showed it to many friends. All of them like it. And yes, they are honest friends. If it was crap, they would tell me so. Anyway, I was wondering what the next step would be now? I do want to get it published by a mainstream publisher. If anyone has any experience in this matter, your help will be most appreciated (I'm in the US btw).
Don't know much but check out You can self publish and sell it through them. If it does well you could take the next step to finding a big publisher.
Don't self publish at this stage. You needs to send it to as many publishers as you jolly well can, or if you have faith in your product (real faith that it's something good and will sell) get a commission agent who will do it all for you.
i was gonna write a horror book bout talking toilets and farting farts, then maybe they will make a movie on it and action figures, yeah anyways hope all goes well with ya book thing.
some one blows there nose and YOU want to keep it!
@Dr. James n Cecil - Exactly what I was thinking. Though some publishers I think, do not cost you.
@OldManClayton - Will do. But it goes both ways if you get published before I do.
Here's a chapter for you guys to take a look at Its copyrighted though so don't try anything funny hehe.
Okay, I dont know whats up with freewebtown but firefox tells me its not a safe site. I am certain though that my file contains no viruses or anything of the sort. Ignore the warning and download the file
I've been looking around on Lulu trying to get as much as I could from it, and I've yet to see any sort of catch to it. What exactly am I losing by doing this. It's one of those "too good to be true things."
No catch. It just costs substantially more to self publish and sell in small quantities than it would to get a big publishing deal, in which case the publisher would pay for the material as well as give you a portion of the sales (at least that's how most things work). With lulu it's your own money going into it.
With lulu, there's no validation of great writing I suppose since everyone can publish. Which is why its so costly I presume. Anyway, did anyone read it??? Any comments???
That's what I'm getting at though. Lulu doesn't seem expensive to me at all. I mean with no quality control, especially, it seems dirt cheap. I could easily write a novel (which I've been meaning to do for over a year now), and the very next day, have a copy of said novel printed and sent to me and in my hands within a week. That, and it's not like any of the options on the website are half-assed. It seems like you have anything you'd need, which in my case would be perfect bound, around 200-400 pages, black and white, and for less then $10.
I always thought publishing would be much more involved.
Supply and demand, buddy. That's how the budget airlines are handling it. It's different if the publisher is taking the risk.. here all they do is publish, and you take the risk of trying to sell it (I assume).
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
That's what I'm lost in though, what's the risk? I'm not paying anything. It's like the only real risk is in the buyer, who might pay a few dollars more for a book they might not like.
You don't really sell as much as the big companies do, since they're not actively advertising your book as much, though. Hmm.. I dunno, budget airlines make a lot of money, despite killer tax, fuel, etc, while the big airlines can lose a lot more even when charging the customers a lot.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.