Well there goes any chance of this guy being able to edit his topic to try and get it to work through trial and error.
Anyway, you can't use HTML here. But TDC has Youtube tags. The YouTubeID is the jumbled letters and numbers at the end of your link, which in this case just happen to be: aIF6ByLOaO8
Hardy har har. (that was reference of the very first post.)
I'm trying to figure out how I get a video posted that will show up like other people have done. I haven't had the need to do so because I've never been able to make videos. But now I can and have no idea how to post one in my project page or the forums. I get that jumbled mess up there. So, can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong here? THAT, would be helpful.
Exactly what I was looking for brandonc, thank you!
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All platforming problems can be mostly solved here:
There's another problem. How do I get it into my projects page? That's actually what I was trying to do. I was going to see how this worked here, then copy and paste the code over there. Apparently, it doesn't work like that.
Edited by the Author.
Smacks head against a wall. Smack, smack, sma-ow!
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All platforming problems can be mostly solved here:
Since the forums are active today I would like it if someone showed me How to do what Brandonc did. I would also like to know How to add youtube videos to my Projects page as well. As seeing, I'm the only noob on here who can't figure it out right away.
All platforming problems can be mostly solved here: