Hi guys, i am new to this forum, so i will start with a quick background of me.
Well, i am italian, i am 17 years old, and i am using MultiMedia Fusion 2 for my game, wich is MOD: Mark Of Darkness.
I am using MMF2 since this November^^
Oh, one of my other hobbies is drawing.
I started drawing last year, around the start of Febrary 2008.
So... here i am
I hope you will apreciate my works, and i hope i'll have fun in this forum
Here are the animations and the works i have done so far:
Main Chacter's face, that is Dex^^
Orc character
A piece of three
First house:
Main title: (as all the other things, all you see there is drawn by myself )
A first beta game screen(Again all made by myself, even the sky )
It needs much more work, i will add things such ad shadows, mapping details, etc etc
Now some concept arts i have drawn for the main character:
I'd like to say again that all you see in this gallery in drawn by myself, frame after frame , i didn't use any animation program, i just made the frames and linked them^^
Oh, and here is an old beta gameplay video of the game (now there are much more new things, such as, as you can see from the game screen above, a new improved place and background):
Check the game forum (sorry but it is only italian for now, but however if you would like to give it a look i would be happy ) for more info about the game, i promise i will open a topic there soon and i will translate in english what i've written on the italian forums^^
The link is http://markofdarkness.forumfree.net (i hope this is not spam, if it is, tell me, and i will remove the link)
Hehe thanks mate
Oh, one thing... do you know how i can try to get on the top game list? I have seen ranked games and i'd like to give it a try...is it for completed games only or for Work In progress too?
Are there any requirements?
Well, if you're talking about the downloads section, you have to get the highest rating on the download. But in the projects section, which is where you would post info about your game, all you need to be on the list is more favorites than anyone else. At the moment I think the lowest is somewhere around 9... So it probably wouldn't be too hard.
Welcome to TDC! I'm so looking forward to this project! It's great to have another artist on TDC. If you want to get the high ratings in The project sections, then You'll have to post some information and pictures about your project, and if people like it enough, they'll favorite it. Post this in the Project section and you'll have your first fave!
The lowest in ranking is 8, which is currectly where My project "Flyte" is at. But surley your project will get to the highest soon enough. I mean, look at the artwork! It's stunning! Only since February 2008?! I've been doing it for 8 years and I'm nowhere near as good!
Again, welcome to TDC! I envy your mad skills. T_T Lol
It's all brilliant but 2 things that irk me...
The house lighting seems static. It's supposed to be rounded but there's equal light all around it.
The menu is very hard to read, boyo!
The problem with it are way to bold to be overlapping like that, and the outer glow (which, IMO looks a little too photoshopped) isn't nearly as big enough to cover the text as it fades too soon. Plus the whole red thing is way too distracting, if anything when a button is highlighted the glow should change to a similar shade and expand to enhance recognition... Which would also look awesome.
And god damn I need to calibrate my monitor. Dell's are supposed to be ace with everything but it's only when you throw the gamma up does that background become visible. Which looks ace, btw.
My only critique is a continuation of James comment about the house. Since there is no obvious light source it flattens the imagine. For example in the picture where the house has a background, there is some depth to the picture, but since the shading is the same everywhere on the house it looks flat. Plus adding shadows, like you mentioned, will also help ground the piece.
You know it's moments like this I wish I had photoshop...
Wow,thanks to all you, guys^^
@Toshiro: You are right mate, i neeed to add some other shadows to the house, but take into account that i've never drawn places until this november, when i started the game.
Here is a screen of the first background i drew:
Look now on the actual version of these elements:
The others are shown in the first post.
So here is why i need to practise more and improve my background drawing skills^^
But i will surely fix that house.
As i sayed in the first post, there is much more work to do, including shadow fixing (as you see, there aren't shadows )
For the reading of the main title i got to say...I can read it fairly good, i can't understand what's wrong
For the menu voices, i guess it's because they were my first text on photoshop with effects, so i dunno the best way to deal with them.
Oh, and sorry for the bad english, i'm just an italian student
I don't get it, your main character is so much more detailed and shaded than the background art. You need to put the same detail and effort into the backdrops as the main character, and a more interesting lighting direction