Well there were mayor movement issues that could not be resolved quickly, also the building your own house thing prooved to be a tad to complicated.
The last semi-news on it is that me and flava have been talkin about, is that we scratched the whole build it yourself thing or interactive games etc and just focus on getting a interactive graphical chat running first and release that. The graphics are there, once flava has some more time prob this summer he will continue work on coding the thing, movement wise we fixed it by using a square type of movement to it were you would just move from invisible squares to move around, this solves the "lag issue" straight of the bad while not the perfect solution it works.
So what is working right now:
Login system tied to your dc username
Graphics with cool animated emotions that you can have your character do life in the game.
Chat box and typing now work, others see your reply in both a cool comic style box above the characters head and in a chat box.
The chat box has the abbility to show your avatar
--That leaves the movement, it is being worked on but will prob not be finished until this summer, but the project is not dead, me and flava would not let it perrish with so many working things already in place
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
well thats better knews than i expected! i thought it was just gone for good lol.
i never really thought the build your own room thing was necessary. it was initially just supposed to be a chat app for dc where you could walk around n stuff. this is good news