Just had a look on the website etc, and it was very interesting.
So did you implement the algorithm into MMF2, allowing like 17 million combinations? Or is it something that simulates the effect that is done with the pixel spaceships?
I was really impressed with the variety of ships you had in Simple Shmup. Please write the article; I'd be all over it.
Think of all the games one could create with this..! For example in a fantasy action game, very goblin the hero attacks will have a different weapon, headgear, and loincloth. In a racing game, each opponent will have an individually-decorated race car.
Until Simple Shmup came along, I'd never seen this kind of thing before so widely implemented in Klik games. If you can come up with an article, that would be fantastic.
Wow, this is EXCELLENT. Now to just modify it for larger sprites... however the random noodles I got from a 64x64 attempt would be great for my current project.