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28th July, 2009 at 23:03:33 -

I decided to play Donkey Kong Country 3, (On my old, but still chugging Super Nintendo.) and hearing the music and playing the game gave me a boost of inspiration to work on my sprites and game! It also made me regret Rare being sold to Microsoft but that's beside the point.

Out of curiousity, What games do you play for inspiration?


Dr. James MD



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28th July, 2009 at 23:13:23 -

I don't really get inspired by games themselves but all my stuff now is based on emotions and stuff I got from originally playing them. Like when I used to play Turrican I loved getting lost in these massive levels and the feeling you got from climbing up big 2D mountains, so I've applied that to Lunnye and Tormi. Or when I used to play Mean Arenas and even early shmups where you (as a kid) have no idea what's going on but you still 'won', as it were. That inspired Sam.

The pacing and structure of FFVII was a recent inspiration. A good straight-to-the-point kinda game that didn't start off in a VR simulation or anything silly.

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


28th July, 2009 at 23:36:44 -

Amazing! So you get inspirations from your own personal feelings from a game? It beats the heck out of my gameplay inspiration.

Never let go of that, man!





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29th July, 2009 at 00:37:15 -

I start messing around making technical tests and built a game off of that. I also get ideas from friends.
I don't think about the game too much when I'm making it, just that it all works correctly.

I play games like raptor and jazz jackrabbit. Also Lemmings. I don't really get inspired though.

Edited by UrbanMonk


Johnny Look

One Happy Dude


VIP Member
29th July, 2009 at 01:06:12 -

Great to see someone inspired by Turrican, imo the most underated platformer in history. Not that it doesn't get recognition, but it doesn't get enough.
There's a remake called T2002 if I'm not wrong, I highly recommend it.

now more on topic:
I often get inspired by pretty much any super mario game. Amazing how games with such a simple gameplay and graphics can be so damn fun, and they never get old, even though there are over 10 of them, the first being over 20 years old.



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29th July, 2009 at 01:33:58 -

I don't usually get inspired by games too often, however when I played Bonesaw it actually made me want to make my own B'MUP. Didn't last long due to the lack of programming knowledge, messy events, and inspiration loss. T'was my first game ever to use the PMO.

There are however plenty of nostalgic games that I can't get enough of. KOTOR, Jedi Knight: Dark forces 2, Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Minions of Mirth, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, Sly: Band of thieves, Kingdom Hearts, Dungeon Siege, TNSS, Cavestory, Master of defense.



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29th July, 2009 at 01:35:41 -

I tend to lean towards the emotion side, ala Dr. James. One of my fondest gaming memories (though obscure) was playing through the first Descent on PS1; the game wasn't technically marvellous, however the vast size of the levels and the bots occupying them made me 'experience' the loneliness of 'being there', stuck in endless mines on other planets with only dumb enemy robots for company. And i played this on my own everyday during the summer holidays. It definitely left me with some stirring emotions and has often inspired me to make a similar experience once or twice....

Though not successfully, i might add!


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29th July, 2009 at 02:05:27 -

I don't get inspiration from video games, I get motivation.






Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberI'm on a BoatPokemon Ball!
29th July, 2009 at 02:16:11 -

I get inspired by what 'could have been', games that you can see where they're going is good, but it's not quite executed right. Flat-out masterpiece games, however, are always an inspiration, where they nail the gameplay, and it ties in with the style, and the audio, everything comes together the way a game should. Artwork has always been a great inspiration to me, too, as well as tabletop games.


Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
29th July, 2009 at 02:29:50 -

Originally Posted by Johnny Look
Great to see someone inspired by Turrican, imo the most underated platformer in history. Not that it doesn't get recognition, but it doesn't get enough.

Absolutely. IMO it's just perfect. The music is unbelievably awesome (on the Amiga version anyways), the levels massive and fun to play through, good diverse weapons, huge ass bosses. I dunno. I can't fault 1 and 2, 3 was a bit too linear for me but the first few levels were good. And whoever announces a true-to-the-original port of the first 3 games for DS or PSP is getting my hand in marriage. Gah I should stop, I am literally in love with that series

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13

Jon C-B

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I'm an alien!VIP MemberWii OwnerI donated an open source project Santa Hat
29th July, 2009 at 03:50:11 -

i usually get inspired by experimenting with new engines and such. But sometimes I just get inspired at random.



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29th July, 2009 at 16:27:43 -

I get motivated by good games because then I want to make something that people enjoy as much as I'm enjoying the game I'm playing.

You can log off any time you like, but you can't ever leave.


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29th July, 2009 at 19:36:29 -

i get inspired by games with outstanding music mainly... yeah, dull arent i. i find myself going back to rayman, skullmonkeys, jumping flash 1 + 2 and stuff purely for the music!

alternatively if i make a track that can then shape the feel of the level/game i make for it... yeah i do things that way round

i am STILL a talking pineapple!

Johnny Look

One Happy Dude


VIP Member
29th July, 2009 at 20:39:56 -

Originally Posted by Dr. James

Originally Posted by Johnny Look
Great to see someone inspired by Turrican, imo the most underated platformer in history. Not that it doesn't get recognition, but it doesn't get enough.

Absolutely. IMO it's just perfect. The music is unbelievably awesome (on the Amiga version anyways), the levels massive and fun to play through, good diverse weapons, huge ass bosses. I dunno. I can't fault 1 and 2, 3 was a bit too linear for me but the first few levels were good. And whoever announces a true-to-the-original port of the first 3 games for DS or PSP is getting my hand in marriage. Gah I should stop, I am literally in love with that series

You're not the only one, personally I'm still eagerly waiting for a new turrican game, as long as they keep the series like they were, instead of turning it into a fairly standard shooter like they did for Super Turrican 2 for the SNES.

Turrican 1,2,3 and Super Turrican 1 are imo the best 2D games ever, no other game played so much with my mood, either because of the fantastic soundtrack, or because I died twice in the same place (which was rare, because the games were perfectly balanced).

Turrican ftw




GOTM - MAY 2009 - 3RD PLACE!
29th July, 2009 at 22:26:51 -

Mario games, Sonic games, and pretty much any good 16-bit era game. I prefer 2D games but when I play something like Mario 64 it makes me wish I was capable of modelling or 3D game design.

And rare leaving nintendo wasn't a huge loss. Outside of goldeneye I don't think anything they did after dkc3 was really worthwhile. Their games just became overcomplicated collectathons instead of pickup and play platformers.

Play Jak and Daxter to see a "collectahon" done right. Play Donkey Kong 64 if you're out of sleeping pills.



30th July, 2009 at 11:02:54 -

Originally Posted by Johnny Look
You're not the only one, personally I'm still eagerly waiting for a new turrican game, as long as they keep the series like they were, instead of turning it into a fairly standard shooter like they did for Super Turrican 2 for the SNES.

Turrican 1,2,3 and Super Turrican 1 are imo the best 2D games ever, no other game played so much with my mood, either because of the fantastic soundtrack, or because I died twice in the same place (which was rare, because the games were perfectly balanced).

Turrican ftw

Hmm, I must check out the real Turrican games sometime. I enjoyed Super Turrican a lot back in the day. I always thought that was the real Turrican, just updated a little.


Johnny Look

One Happy Dude


VIP Member
30th July, 2009 at 22:13:00 -

Well not really, the levels were a bit shorter and slightly more linear, and some abilites found in the other turrican games were cut, and others changed like the secondary gun, which only freezes enemies for a short time. However there were some improvements as well, like when you get hit, you are invencible for a second so that you avoid loosing a lot of energy because you touched several enemies at once.
All in all it was a great game, but I still prefer the first turrican games, which I highly recommend.


Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
31st July, 2009 at 00:57:09 -

I'm the same as Pineapple, I find a lot of the time I get inspiration from game music, especially some of the Sonic stuff, Streets of Rage, and of course anything Nobuo Uematsu's ever written. It's kind of annoying listening to music for any extended period of time because it just makes me want to get my guitar out and write something, and that's not always possible.

I might start making a game again, actually, come to think of it. - Listen to my music.

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