Rarely do I get mad at anything enough to do something about it. However, that day came when I tried to request help from the Filefront site. Needless to say, after a long circus of log ins and sign ups, I finally had it. I typed up a very "nice" letter to them and sent it away. I don't expect a reply. If I do get one, I'll post my email back here. (Sadly, of which, I didn't save a copy of.) Needless to say, I want to look for a new free host. what does everybody else use?
All platforming problems can be mostly solved here:
I guess people use box.com, which is similar to DropBox, which I use.
DropBox is really easy to use, install the program on to your hard drive and it will automatically sync your Dropbox folder to the server if you're connected to the internet. It beats using some sort of FTP, and you just copy/paste files into this folder, you can see when they are sync'd, and then you can right click the file on your computer and in the menu selected Dropbox > Copy Public Link. You can direct-link images fine and display them in forums, and you get 2GB of space if you are a free user.
As well as just uploading to MediaFire or similar sites.
Well, I was thinking of uploading a web page to a free server. Just something small and simple that gets the job done. I'm not really looking for a web host just another alternative. I'll check out box.com and Dropbox. And I thought mediafire had a lot of problems? Or was that angelfire?
Here's what I sent and what the reply was.
I have reset your password on your xhunterko account to:
I have reset your password on your art8bitt3r account to:
You can access your files by visiting:
You can manage your files by visiting:
Hope this helps and thank you for using FileFront.com
Thank you,
Jon Soucy
Director of Operations | PR Management
FileFront.com | GamingToday
www.filefront.com | news.filefront.com
jons@filefront.com | pr@filefront.com
From: Robert Clemmons [mailto:xhunterko@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 9:07 PM
To: pr@filefront.com
Subject: help????
You guys have the absolute worst help service on the internet. In fact, it sucks like hell so much, that I can't even get help from your "system". Your ridiculous login circus of molassos doesn't remeber that I have registered at all! I get the confirmation email and click the link, thinking that everything is fine. However, when I attempt to "log in", I get an invalid account name and or password warning. BOTH of which are correct in the text boxes. And don't give me any excuses over which ***tty letters or numbers are lower case or upper case. They are straight from the email. Which was supposed to CONFIRM the FACT that I had logged in. This has happened twice to me now. Once with my old account that I LOST thatnks to your no-warning slop job change-over. YES, I had your "news" letter. Which did nothing to WARN ME that you guys were going to do anything. I was AWARE of your system possibly going down. But this is a better alternative? Bull. My other account, by the way, was xhunterko. My new one is Art8bitt3r. I even went to the forums to see if I could post for help. I got lost for a bit reading a thread then I tried to create a new one. I found I couldn't because I was not logged in. GO FIGURE. Oh, wait, I was logged in the front page where I upload files, but, not on the forums??? Why is a triple standard needed? So I used my accoutn name and password to log in to the forums. OH WAIT, THAT"S AN INVALID ACCOUNT NAME AND PASSWORD! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU FREAKING MEAN!?!? You mean to tell me, an ALREADY registered filefront user, that I need to create a SEPERATE ACCOUNT for the forum use? Isn't that a bit fetish? Are you so trippy over customer and user contact that you have to create a log in circus for them to access site features? That is freaking utterly ridiculous. MOST modern sites, only have one necessary log in and sign up before your allowed premium site features. I will not be attempting to use any other feature other then your upload service. Should I lose this accoutn as a result of a "change-over", I will not attempt to recover any data that I may have on there. And before your smart arse says, "hey, it's free, it's what you get", let me tell you, that Mozilla and some other free services I use have better systems in place. And that an SNAIL has a more efficient processing system then you do. Oh, you want to actually know my concern? Other then your feces arse help "water torture"? I thought of just letting my account get banned if it's against the rules or not, I thought to include it here. I WAS wanting to know, since you allow any upload of any file type, but you do not web host, could I in fact, still upload a html page, and use that page as a web site? So long as it does not go over the 600MB limit, it should still be okay. My previous account was "xhunterko". My new one is "Art8bitt3r". And please don't give me a smart arse answer, one liner, or any other form letter. And before you say, this isn't my department, the actual one is just over there, a couple cubicles, (or is that a torture rack, and this is there way of getting back at people) down the hall.
You had better have read this arse holes.
aka Art8bitt3r
(Security information removed for obvious reasons.)
Notice, how they didn't answer my question?
BTW, if anyone else plays, Art8bitt3r is my Halo3 Gamer tag
Edited by Xhunterko
All platforming problems can be mostly solved here:
No, that was part of the problem. Part of which was my laptops fault for dying on me and me not writing stuff down. The problem was in the question I wanted to ask. I wanted to be able to store a html page on there and use that as a web site. But since they didn't do web hosting, I was just wanting to know if that was still okay. The REAL problems began, when I attempted to use their help system to get it checked out. I would log in, and log in, and log in, and I would get an invalid every time. Even after using the confirmation email link. So the initial problem, was in fact their help system. Not me losing accounts.
All platforming problems can be mostly solved here:
Use FreeWebs. It's good. Can make a free site there and don't even have to type in your own html code unless you really want to (you can).
Well, guess they changed the name to just webs now, but I'm pretty sure it's still free.
Blood of the Ancient One, Seen only as Shadow, Faster than Lightning, Fierce as the Greatest Dragon, Nearly Invisible, Floating in a Dream, Entered through the Demon Door, Destroyer of Evil in a Realm with a Red Sky Scarred, Who could I be ?
Windows Live Skydrive is great for any kind of file hosting, including hot-linked images. The interface is nice, and because it's microsoft, you know it's reliable and not about to closedown anytime soon. Plus they never delete stuff even if it's been inactive for a while.
For websites I use 110mb.com, which is also pretty good.
I use Sitesled now, TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, but they've been completely awful for about 3 weeks now.
Your ridiculous login circus of molassos doesn't remeber that I have registered at all! I get the confirmation email and click the link, thinking that everything is fine. However, when I attempt to "log in", I get an invalid account name and or password warning. BOTH of which are correct in the text boxes. And don't give me any excuses over which ***tty letters or numbers are lower case or upper case. They are straight from the email.
This actually is what happens to me with Sitesled. All my pages are still there, but when I try to log in it doesn't recognize my account as being part of Sitesled. I tried to do the "forgot your password?" thing and copy/pasted the name and password and got the same error. Worse for everyone who uses them now their forums have been down for quite awhile as well as their ticket system for help. No e-mails or anything about what's going on with them or when it's going to end.
I just hate not being able to update my site for so long.
"Del Duio has received 0 trophies. Click here to see them all."
"To be a true ninja you must first pick the most stealthy of our assorted combat suits. Might I suggest the bright neon orange?"
DXF Games, coming next: Hasslevania 2- This Space for Rent!
Just saying.. nobody reads angry letters, especially those with excessive punctuation, no paragraphs, too many capital letters, and swearing.
If you're keeping small files, googlesites is a great host.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.