Go with MMF2. It's better than TGF2 but not as expensive as MMF2Dev. It's the second best chunk of money I've spent. (The first being the $50 I spent on their older product, TGF1. MMF2 has lotsa catchin' up to do. ;D)
MMF2 still has the sweetest balance of power to ease of use to stability. Price is another matter
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
GameMaker has a very bad programing design. It's like you white out everything you know, accept it's logic, and limit yourself to it once you get good at it. MMF2 uses real programing logic, so once you're ready to progress past it, the only thing in your way is learning the syntax. Mentally you're already prepared for a programing language.
Well, I agree with Brandon. I've been learning a little about computer programming from my dad, and I am amazed how close Multimedia Fusion 2 is to C#. Almost as if it's based on C#!
MMF2's hardly a way to learn programming skills, though. Only very recently does MMF2 have basic things like OR, and it never even had loops until someone made an extension for it. Even now, loops are really clumsy for things like simulating any formula with a Σ. Typing anything in the expression editor is tedious because of the syntax. And it teaches you a lot of bad programming habits.
Construct is a closer to real programming if you want to go that path. Or you could master MMF2 and move onto Lua, which is a little botched for a programming language, but offers as much power as a language.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Originally Posted by DMT Well, I agree with Brandon. I've been learning a little about computer programming from my dad, and I am amazed how close Multimedia Fusion 2 is to C#. Almost as if it's based on C#!
Was that sarcasm ?
Because C# has nothing to do with MMF2, nothing at all. And I'm not even talking about the graphic interface/text difference, the logic itself has nothing in common. C# is a programming language, not a engine + a scripting language, there are no game oriented functions at all, like "if collision=true do something", all you have is if, while,for statements and so on, even the logic behind loops is quite different from MMF2.
Originally Posted by DMT Well, I agree with Brandon. I've been learning a little about computer programming from my dad, and I am amazed how close Multimedia Fusion 2 is to C#. Almost as if it's based on C#!
you do realize its actually coded in C/C++ right? are you confusing xna with c#? which sadly also has no similarities to mmf as it is just an sdk/gdk suite for c#. the only aspect of mmf2 that has anything to do with c# or C++ is the .Net extension and the extension sdk. and aside from those, mmf2 has absolutely nothing in common aside from maybe a few semantic similarities. and i do mean few