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13th September, 2009 at 03:29:00 -

It's being said to be the largest protest on Washington ever.

You can check out the video coverage here:

Edited by UrbanMonk



13th September, 2009 at 16:52:19 -

On TV everywhere it was : I voted for change.
Now there's 1.5 million American's in Washington absolutely terrified of change.
Along with the wacko's who think that anybody who isn't christian (or white) shouldn't be president.

I'm glad I'm Canadian.

(hope I didn't sound like a jerk)

Edited by 0ko





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13th September, 2009 at 21:40:38 -

None of them voted for Obama.

And "change" is a code word for Communism.



13th September, 2009 at 22:30:01 -

And "change" is a code word for Communism.
So "yes we can!" is code for "no we can't!"?





Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
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13th September, 2009 at 22:53:10 -

There were African Americans at Washington as well as "white" people.
It has nothing to do with ethnicity it has to do with Obama's policies and his support of Cap and Trade.

Also the Health Care Reform. We have no money for this, and if the money runs out then our health care will be "rationed." That and "End of Life Counseling" are what people have a problem with.



14th September, 2009 at 00:56:18 -

I saw on the Canadian news covering the protest people saying that they did not want someone who wasn't christian running their governement.
the ("or white") was merely a suggestion for SOME (small amount perhaps) of the people there.

Edited by 0ko


Jon Lambert

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14th September, 2009 at 01:17:27 -

1. The problem with Cap and Trade is...

2. Obama's policies are...

3. The U.S. has money for...

4. "End of Life Counseling" is...

5. Health care will have to be rationed because...

6. "Change" is a code word for Communism because...

Merely requesting clarification of the standpoints.

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14th September, 2009 at 01:31:31 -

"The problem with Cap and Trade is... "

From my understanding, Cap and trade is meant to help clean energy compete with our current forms of energy, by making the other forms expensive, and subsidizing the clean ones. Not a bad idea really. The only problem is, while we transition from coal/oil to clean sources the costs will be put on the everyday consumer (electric companys will raise there prices in order to pay their fees). Thus making our economic situation even worse. The pain would go away overtime, but it would still be a painful transition. Also, we have a lot of jobs in the coal industry and that would really hurt them.

Edited by Ricky





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15th September, 2009 at 04:34:12 -

Originally Posted by 0ko
...the ("or white") was merely a suggestion for SOME (small amount perhaps) of the people there.

Oh ok, well it's not true. They don't care whether Obama is African American or Caucasian. It has nothing to do with his race.

Originally Posted by Jon Lambert
. The problem with Cap and Trade is...

2. Obama's policies are...

3. The U.S. has money for...

4. "End of Life Counseling" is...

5. Health care will have to be rationed because...

6. "Change" is a code word for Communism because...

Ricky Garces answered the first one. Really it almost seems like Obama is purposly tring to ruin the US. It's completely stupid to raise prices on gas especially since nothing is developed enough to replace it.

2. and 6. are the same question:

Everything Obama's tried to do thus far all involve the government getting more control over people's lives. That's the definition of Communism.

Obama told the CEO of GM to step down. -Government controlling a private business.

Trying to pass the Kennedy Bill which will require all employers to offer health care to employees or pay a penalty. -This would result in major loss of jobs because employers would have to lay off some employees to be able to pay for others.

The new health care bill has something called "End of Life Counseling" which is basically this. If a person decided to be inadequate to live, instead of getting health care they will be taken to a counselor instead who "prepares them for death."

Read it in the bill here:

Also they want to store all the medical records in a giant database. More government control means less freedom! yay! Read it in the bill here:
Oh yeah, and this isn't optional. If anything is requested of you about you for your medical record you MUST give them the information.

I'll answer the other questions later.

Oh yeah, and "change," when Obama says it at least, is another word for communism because that's exactly what he's doing! You can't argue with the facts.


Del Duio

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15th September, 2009 at 04:44:18 -

"16 million, I can't hear you at aaaaalll!"
"Some say that's progress, I say that's cruel!"*

*This tangent brought to you by Midnight Oil lyrics from '85 and only a slight similarity to the thread title.


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Kirby Smith

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15th September, 2009 at 05:58:55 -

My health insurance costs over 10% of my income. People in France pay 10% more in taxes than we pay in America and get free health care (with no deductibles or co-insurance). They also get free college. Conservatives are always railing against socialism, but a little socialism might be just what we need.

Furthermore, we'd have a lot more money to spend on social programs and stuff that actually benefits Americans if we weren't too busy fighting an illegal and unjustified war in Iraq.

As for the GM situation - GM asked for bailout money from the government, effectively making the American tax-payer a shareholder. The second GM accepted optional bailout funds, they ceased to be a privately held company.

As for cap and trade, it's about time we started giving a shit about the environment. A little tax hike on existing energy sources might just encourage the development of less damaging alternatives.

Edited by Kirby Smith

XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir


15th September, 2009 at 19:17:22 -

well Smith, I guess the first two you explained were reasonable, but...

"As for cap and trade, it's about time we started giving a shit about the environment. A little tax hike on existing energy sources might just encourage the development of less damaging alternatives."

Oh yeah! economy's great! let's go buy us some nice expensive fuel efficient cars!

Like, I recycle and all that, but carbon taxes don't help IMO.

Ever heard of BC's carbon tax?





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15th September, 2009 at 21:50:31 -


I hardly believe that your health insurance is over 10% of your income. Where do you work, McDonald's?
Healthcare WILL NOT be free, you will pay for it with a hike in taxes and massive invasion of privacy. Oh yeah and if the "health council" (aka Death Panel) doesn't believe you deserve treatment for your illness you won't receive it. If it costs less to let you die then that's what they'll do. But hey don't take it from me, check the bill out for yourself!

You are right about the war, I didn't like what Bush did either, but I don't see Obama bringing the troops home do you?

GM shouldn't have even been offered the bailout money in the first place.

I'm all for protecting the environment and reducing carbon emissions, but raising taxes on gas is just plain stupid! The only thing that will do is cause residents to use less gas, but the large shipping companies will simply raise their prices instead of getting rid of all their old trucks and buying new ones. Therefore we the people will pay more for everything: Food, water, gas, heating, construction, electricity, ect.

If you think 10-15% for healthcare is bad now just wait until you are paying all these new taxes!

When it all boils down Kirby, you just want a free ride. You don't want to work hard and earn a good life. You want others to pay your way. If all the hard working Americans quit paying income taxes most liberals/socialists would starve.

Edited by UrbanMonk



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15th September, 2009 at 21:54:56 -


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15th September, 2009 at 22:37:16 -

Originally Posted by UrbanMonk

I hardly believe that your health insurance is over 10% of your income. Where do you work, McDonald's?
Healthcare WILL NOT be free, you will pay for it with a hike in taxes and massive invasion of privacy. Oh yeah and if the "health council" (aka Death Panel) doesn't believe you deserve treatment for your illness you won't receive it. If it costs less to let you die then that's what they'll do. But hey don't take it from me, check the bill out for yourself!

You are right about the war, I didn't like what Bush did either, but I don't see Obama bringing the troops home do you?

GM shouldn't have even been offered the bailout money in the first place.

I'm all for protecting the environment and reducing carbon emissions, but raising taxes on gas is just plain stupid! The only thing that will do is cause residents to use less gas, but the large shipping companies will simply raise their prices instead of getting rid of all their old trucks and buying new ones. Therefore we the people will pay more for everything: Food, water, gas, heating, construction, electricity, ect.

If you think 10-15% for healthcare is bad now just wait until you are paying all these new taxes!

When it all boils down Kirby, you just want a free ride. You don't want to work hard and earn a good life. You want others to pay your way. If all the hard working Americans quit paying income taxes most liberals/socialists would starve.

I find your post rather confusing. I currently live in Norway but originates from Sweden, so I've lived in two "socialist" countries where as in one of them has the highest taxes in the WORLD. You're actually implying that treatment after tax payed health care will be worse? Dude, Norway HAS THE BEST HOSPITAL TREATMENT IN THE WORLD.

Sooooo... You're dead wrong. Everything here is so remarkably fairytale like you have NO IDEA. Sure there are poor and rich, there are better hospitals and crappy ones -- but you go to the same doctor as the richest kid in town and get the same treatment. EVERYBODY IS TREATED WITH RESPECT AND EMPATHY, REGARDLESS GENDER, RACE OR STATUS / WEALTH.

No one gets a free ride here -- in fact, there are no 'American Dreamy' type get-rich-fast opportunities, besides hazard gaming. In a world where the poorer gets poorer and the richer gets richer, I don't understand how you guys CAN'T AFFORD not to get the new health care plan.

You're welcome to give me theories, but I've lived 24 years under "Socialist" red government which is voted by fair democratic election (we don't have two parties, we have many and everybody has a fighting chance to earn mandates).

I have a Bachelor in Computer Graphics at one of the top 3 Universities in Sweden. I recieved around 500$ monthly to do so. No tuition, no scholarship. Sweden payed me to study -- now that's something you can't argue aginst. I'm paying back to society by PAYING TAXES so other people might enjoy the same perks as I've had in University.

Edited by CGmonkey


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