Sooo I have been tossing the idea around to have a real live Klik-Podcast with lots of people talking together about everything klik and you know whatever we feel like talking about at that point.
I invited some folks to get things started for our Pilot Episode, and while we had some microphone issues and only Jess bowers and myself showed up, We are still hoping you will enjoy our very first Klik-Podcast!
The topics that will come by range from klik, atari 2600 games, halo and how we got involved with knp! Have a listen, give some comments, and if you want to join in, just let me know! We are recording the show using skype every Monday Night around 7:00 MST (US/Canada) The more folks da better!
Episode 1:
Knpmaster almost showed up and I talked to him on skype after the show but he actually fell a sleep before hand because he has been programming like crazy on his latest project, he promised he will join me and Jess next week!
Edited by an Administrator
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