Before I start This is in no way a offence to Jon who did a great job with the previous TDC chat but that version did not capture what me and the other oldbies wanted it to be. We wanted it to be a graphical chat linked to tdc in a cool little side-world within the site.
Soo In the top secrets dark corners on da intraweb Solgryn and myself have been working on a real working TDC chat that inbraces the original TDC-World vision we wanted in a nice compact package! And the best part? It does everything we wanted a TDC chat to do in the first place. First let me show you what it does...
(Picture Above is just a fun intro pic created by solgryn for the project)
- You can see others avatar, DC points and other info.
- You can log in anonymous if you arent a member of TDC, but cant have an avatar and have a "A-" in your name to show you are anonymous
- You can JUMP
- You can walk in 8 directions 2.5D
- You can chat and speech bubbles will appear next to your character
- View who's in the room
- Auto-logon, auto-remember and auto-go! (Go! is when you have logged in and then go into the lobby)
Oh yea now that is the good stuff! But Now we need your help We are giving everyone that opportunity to get their own character in TDC Chat. For this you need to do the following:
The sprites Solgryn needs (Frames):
Stop (animation, doesnt have to be animated)
Animated Walking
Jumping (Doesnt have to be animated)
The Size has to be: 32*32!
All these frames in 8 directions.
People could make their sprites and send them in, and if they are good and meet the requirements then in the final game, you can choose that character!!
OMG The internet just exploded in my ear! Sooo to sum it up, yes we are making this THE chatting point for the site, it will be a graphics chat and you get (if you want) have your own sprite in the game, this could be a newly created a sprite or maybe you can have your own game character in the chat!
Please send your work to Solgryn (dc mail) or post them here below so he can just copy it.
We will be supporting this 100%, I just always wanted a TDC chat that was fun to come visit, looked cool and would be fun to explore so you could chat with other fellow tdc users. We will keep you all updated but again this is not something that will fade away in the background it is already working behind closed doors.
Also a super big thanks for Solgryn for taking the time to create the graphics and coding this huge project!!
Now lets see what cool characters/sprites you can create for TDC chat!
Edited by an Administrator
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Originally Posted by Rikus Before I start This is in no way a offence to Jon who did a great job with the previous TDC chat but that version did not capture what me and the other oldbies wanted it to be. We wanted it to be a graphical chat linked to tdc in a cool little side-world within the site.
So does that mean it'll be embedded in the site? Or is this a separate application again?
I wish you'd told us, or at least Jon. He had something really cool planned on the interactive graphical side and already started to work on it and line up some cool help...
Sadly TDC chats have never really worked. At the most they're popular for a week or two then just die. Im not sure why, TDC'ers just seem too preoccupied with other things, or forget about it/can't be bothered. Clickteam chat works however, due to the fact that it's there primarily for programming help and software discussion.
Mmm... someone could have told me about this. I guess I didn't do much better planning the graphical side in secret, but whatever. I really don't know what to say. Sigh...
What to do then? I just don't know. Granted, my engine doesn't have graphics yet (Rhys D just agreed to do those) and my engine isn't in 2.5D (more the way the previous DC World was) but it was gonna jump, and chat and movement were in there already...