I'd like to see a checkbox for SOURCE CODE when you submit a Download. I know there is an option for ENGINE under the GENRE drop-down, but I see that as different. Heck, I actually think that ENGINE should be removed from the GENRE section and made into a checkbox, too.
The reason that I say this is that sometimes people will submit a game as, let's say, a PLATFORMER and also include the source. Without the ability to view all SOURCE CODE entries my ability to leverage other people's work <cough>steal</cough> is greatly lessened.
While we're at it, I'd like to see ABANDONED made into a checkbox, too. I submittted a "Super Mario World" abandoned game which was really platform engine test. I think I marked the "Genre" as "Abandoned" but I would have like to have done the following:
1. GENRE - Select "Platformer" from a dropdown
2. ABANDONED - Mark the checkbox
3. ENGINE - Mark the checkbox
4. SOURCE - Mark the checkbox
The ABANDONED would indicate that its incomplete and probably has bugs. The ENGINE would indicate that it's not a complete game and is designed to be reused as a core engine. The SOURCE would indicate that it's free for people to open.
I can see how some might think that ENGINE = SOURCE but not all downloads that include SOURCE are engines. Actually, now that I think about it, it might be good to make the ENGINE a radio button with two options: (COMPLETE GAME and ENGINE).
Good idea Jess. In terms of the changes Clubsoft would need to make, I think that adding check boxes for Abandoned, Engine and Source (and how about Demo, while we're at it) would be easier than making every category a check box or using tag clouds.