Hey guys, i know we have the 'sort X' object, but how about doing the same thing with just useing fastloops.
I'd like to know 1. So i know how to do it the proper way and 2. So i don't have to use any premade objects in my game.
and where the AMOUNT of index's are variable.
I guess its done with a loop (in this case) that would loop 4 times, and on that loop fire up another loop the loops 4 times to find the highest one, and takes that one out of the list and adds it to the SORT list.
But ignore me, just tell me how you know its done.
Honestly I don't think Events are a very good way to sort things. Sorting algorithms typically have a reasonably involved combination of loops and conditions. It's too much of a pain when you can just add everything to a list and use the list's sorting functionality.
If you want to learn sorting algorithms, I strongly recommend an actual script-based programming language like C or Java.