Lately i've been a bit bored, and had a artists block.
I feel like making some sprites for a game, but don't feel like coding it.
So pretty much what im saying, if anyone has a small game they need some graphics for, PM me or leave me a comment.
I will post some examples of my work in a while.
Your just jealous that you're not as awesome as me.
(And my megaman avatar )
hey Mac how is your spriting with GBA spriting? if you are feeling up to it I may have an offer for you. We ,Slash Games,are currently in need of someone who can create a backround image to replace the intro cutsene backround shown below. Our game is a fan based sequel to The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages.
If you want more details please contact me by PM or by email "" If you are able to create the image we need we will more then willing to give you full credit for your work