if by "compare two values" you mean "compare two general values" that would be the problem, since it screws up object selection
you want to be using the "compare to one of the alterable values" condition since that at least keeps part of the selection
so in standard fastloop use:
[start of frame or any condition involving creating new objects/masks]
--> MainObjects - Spread Value: Alterable Value A; 0
--> Masks - Spread Value: Alterable Value A; 0
On Loop "masks"
+ Alterable Value A of "MainObjects" == Loopindex("masks") [remember, not two general values]
+ Alterable Value A of "Masks" == Loopindex("masks")
--> Masks - Set X Position: X("MainObjects")
--> Masks - Set Y Position: Y("MainObjects")
If you have the same number of objects of each type, you can just write always : object1 : "set position to object2" and by some inexplicable MMF magic it works.
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware