The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. General Chat ::. DUKE NUKEM FOREVER OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE

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Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 30 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 39 Winner!Kliktober Special Award Tag
23rd January, 2011 at 15:13:47 -

It's set for release on May 3, 2011.


Official trailer:

Looks pretty good.

Discarded pizza boxes are an indispensable source of cheese.


Insane Beaver


Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 Owner
23rd January, 2011 at 16:29:46 -



Don Luciano

Heavy combat pancake


VIP Member
23rd January, 2011 at 16:39:41 -

OMG, can't wait.

It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and i am all out of gum.

Code me a sausage!


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Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 OwnerDos Rules!Happy FellahCrazy EvilI am an April FoolGingerbread House
23rd January, 2011 at 19:25:47 -

Glad i'm not the only one looking forward to this - it looks like the old-fashioned Duke formula done dozens of times before, but i don't care and i really can't wait!!


Subliminal Dreams. . ., daily gaming news and the home of Mooneyman Studios!

Johnny Look

One Happy Dude


VIP Member
24th January, 2011 at 01:26:02 -

This is one of those very rare cases where I don't really mind if the game doesnt rank 90% and above scores in the press, it's duke and as long as they keep the spirit of all the other games that's enough.
Half the world will be like "15 years for this ?" while the other half will be playing the crap out of it. I'll be in the latter group.



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
24th January, 2011 at 12:00:39 -

Originally Posted by Johnny Look
This is one of those very rare cases where I don't really mind if the game doesnt rank 90% and above scores in the press, it's duke and as long as they keep the spirit of all the other games that's enough.
Half the world will be like "15 years for this ?" while the other half will be playing the crap out of it. I'll be in the latter group.

Me too . I dont really care what the press says, I just hope it holds true to old school FPS gaming (not like Doom 3, every room had like 1 or 2 monsters - or thats how I remember it).

Thats the reason I love serious sam HD so much, its old school FPS!



Thelonious Dunc


VIP Member
24th January, 2011 at 16:55:53 -

There's satire, there's black comedy, and then there's misogynistic bullshit.

1996 was a different time. This looks like a game I'm going to have a tough time enjoying on account of not being a complete moron.




I am an April Fool
24th January, 2011 at 17:01:16 -

Somebody doesn't "get it."

It is okay *pats*

Have fun getting back to your overly serious life while playing your overly-serious video games.

Edited by GamesterXIII



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
24th January, 2011 at 17:17:13 -

I would rather be back in 1996 (and 1997,98 )... School was easy (I did not even revise for some of my GCSE's and that was later on at school!), life was easy and evenings consisted of playing games on my N64 and PS1 with my best mate and building LEGO. Will never have that much free time ever again.

At the end of the day it's a game. You do not have to buy it or play it . I just hope it maintains a decent pace (most modern shooters feel so slow to me), and a decent amount of enemies.

Edited by an Administrator



Thelonious Dunc


VIP Member
24th January, 2011 at 17:27:56 -

Have fun getting back to your overly serious life while playing your overly-serious video games.

I didn't mean to sound holier-than-thou and I didn't mean to imply that everyone was a complete moron, sorry!

No honestly, I didn't, I love Duke 3D and only played it for the first time a few years ago so no rose-tinted spectacles are involved. But that's in spite of it feeling like it was invented by a 12 year old.

But yeah, from the footage of Forever released so far I don't get it - no evidence of, you know, genuine wit. They probably could have spent some time adding this. Maybe the trailer was just cut for complete morons, which has been known to happen.



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
24th January, 2011 at 17:32:46 -

I think the trailer is meant to appeal to the younger generation today.

If modern toys and kids TV are anything to go by, there is your answer .

Edited by an Administrator


Johnny Look

One Happy Dude


VIP Member
24th January, 2011 at 17:53:33 -

So everyone who still enjoys duke nukem, despite being 20 or older by now are complete morons ?

Did it occur to you that there are different people with different tastes ? Someone with different tastes from yours are are not necessarily morons, you know.

That's like saying british people are retarded just because I prefer american comedy. Makes perfect sense.




I am an April Fool
24th January, 2011 at 18:07:47 -

I don't have high hopes for the game since its a FPS and its new, but it definitely looks lightyears ahead of the garbage that is getting shoved down our throats today (thanks to the likes of "gamers").

Edited by GamesterXIII



Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
24th January, 2011 at 18:32:54 -

I have the same problem with this as I have with New Mario bros, DKC returns and Rayman Origins. It harks back to some old game, aping the old style with todays technique, and almost makes fun of the original in a hopeless attempt not to look old to young gamers. It just becomes a parody on something too good to make parody games of. Kind of like the stuff Pod makes. Like bands that were aping fifties rockabilly in the eighties using digital delay. I will play it tho, being a moron for half an hour a day is good therapy.



I am an April Fool
24th January, 2011 at 19:39:54 -

Well. . . DKC Returns was actually pretty good and was really close to the SNES ones. I didn't see much of a problem with NSMB either minus the physics. Its impossible to play with multiple people, but hilarious that way as well. Never played Rayman Origins.



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Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 OwnerDos Rules!Happy FellahCrazy EvilI am an April FoolGingerbread House
24th January, 2011 at 19:54:07 -

I try to get a good 60-minutes of being a moron in, every day lol

Seriously though, it's gonna be one of those games that will review badly/average but prove cult-like for those around for the original release of Duke 3D.


Subliminal Dreams. . ., daily gaming news and the home of Mooneyman Studios!



Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 30 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 39 Winner!Kliktober Special Award Tag
24th January, 2011 at 20:02:23 -

I can't wait to hear Duke say something funny, kill some women, then pee on an alien. That is no reason to say this game will be for morons. People that had a PC in 1996 were obviously much more intelligent than everyone else, and they enjoyed this sort of stuff. Hopefully it possesses a good multiplayer feature and can de-throne the actual moron-satiating trash known as Call Of Duty.

Discarded pizza boxes are an indispensable source of cheese.

The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


Game of the Week WinnerClickzine StaffAcoders MemberKlikCast StarVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 35 Winner!Second GOTW AwardYou've Been Circy'd!Picture Me This Round 38 Winner!GOTM December Third Place!!
I am an April FoolKliktober Special Award Tag
24th January, 2011 at 20:12:53 -

I want it to be good, but I don't think it will be. I forsee a generic, lumbering shooter with unfunny wit, which might appeal to the younger generation but I don't think adults would find it that funny. Of course, I could be wrong, but a game that's been 14 years in the making is almost certainly not going to live up to the hype.

Plus it's being made by Gearbox, who, if I recall, made the horribly boring Brothers In Arms games.

I'll probably pick it up when it invariably ends up in the bargain bins a couple of weeks after release




I am an April Fool
24th January, 2011 at 20:16:29 -

Gearbox has a few decent titles under their belt as well.



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Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 OwnerDos Rules!Happy FellahCrazy EvilI am an April FoolGingerbread House
24th January, 2011 at 20:56:26 -

I wonder what would happen to the world if Duke Forever actually turned out to be something truly epic, like Half-Life but with the commercial impact of CoD?

The whole gaming world would be turned on its head!!


Subliminal Dreams. . ., daily gaming news and the home of Mooneyman Studios!

Johnny Look

One Happy Dude


VIP Member
24th January, 2011 at 21:42:21 -

indeed, I thought the brothers in arms games to be really good and they also made borderlands and the half life expansions so the fact that it's gearbox taking care of dnf does give me some extra hope. At least they proved they know how to make a good FPS, they sure know what they are doing.


The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


Game of the Week WinnerClickzine StaffAcoders MemberKlikCast StarVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 35 Winner!Second GOTW AwardYou've Been Circy'd!Picture Me This Round 38 Winner!GOTM December Third Place!!
I am an April FoolKliktober Special Award Tag
25th January, 2011 at 20:16:24 -

I forgot about Borderlands. Oh well, maybe there's some hope then.




I am an April Fool
25th January, 2011 at 21:05:22 -

Opposing Force and Blue Shift were made by them as well iirc. I think they also handled the Halo PC Port if that means anything.




Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 30 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 39 Winner!Kliktober Special Award Tag
6th April, 2011 at 14:04:19 -

Aww, damn. It's been postponed 'til June 10.

Discarded pizza boxes are an indispensable source of cheese.


Don't listen to this idiot


You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberPS3 Owner
6th April, 2011 at 16:05:52 -

Duke Nukem is Shab's son. He disowned him because he wasn't badass enough. (Oh, and Shab can kick ass and chew bubble gum at the same time, TAKE THAT DUKE!)

- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -

Make some more box arts damnit!



I am an April Fool
6th April, 2011 at 19:23:47 -

Originally Posted by Duncan

Have fun getting back to your overly serious life while playing your overly-serious video games.

I didn't mean to sound holier-than-thou and I didn't mean to imply that everyone was a complete moron, sorry!

No honestly, I didn't, I love Duke 3D and only played it for the first time a few years ago so no rose-tinted spectacles are involved. But that's in spite of it feeling like it was invented by a 12 year old.

But yeah, from the footage of Forever released so far I don't get it - no evidence of, you know, genuine wit. They probably could have spent some time adding this. Maybe the trailer was just cut for complete morons, which has been known to happen.

i'm wondering what made you play it after years.



God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
6th April, 2011 at 21:30:10 -

Frankly, I'm not sure I'm too excited for this release. The real fun was really just laughing at how hyped up it's been and how it's taken so long to finally be released after being postponed so long and ultimately cancelled... how many times? I have a feeling the hype for this game is going to be better than the game itself.


Slow-Motion Riot


6th April, 2011 at 22:34:22 -

I predict there will be nothing in this game that isn't already out there in games we can play today. Except for Duke Nukem itself. The producers are letting marketing take over on this one.


Dave C


I am an April Fool
7th April, 2011 at 00:35:23 -

"I predict there will be nothing in this game that isn't already out there in games we can play today."

probably, but a good solid FPS with interesting levels/combat will be fun anyway..? i wouldn't pay full price for this, but a $20 download on steam it could definitely be good value.. 10+ hours of entertainment.. does every single game have to be something original? isn't a fun forumla thats worked in the past enough?

sometimes i decide to go and play an old game.. lets say Contra super C.. and then i wish there were more games (almost) exactly like it, so that i'd have something else to play. but theres only 1 contra, when there could be 50. But if anyone made an obvious clone everyone would complain and say it's not original, well.. so what? a fun game is a fun game..



Slow-Motion Riot


7th April, 2011 at 01:35:54 -

Yeah, I agree with you on that, Dave C. A good game does not have to be original. But DNF is not so much a game as it is the weak-ass punchline to a joke I was told way back in 2002 or so. Not anticipating it in the least.

I'm admittedly retro all the way, but I will not be surprised when the game is panned by reviewers for noting that it will be high on style, low on substance. That's my point, I suppose. The industry is so rife with misogyny and dick jokes that what was risque perhaps 10 years ago doesn't cut the mustard nowadays.




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
7th April, 2011 at 03:22:05 -

It's been so, so long, that I forgot what Duke Nukem was like.

Looks like a typical FPS, with more gore and nudity. There's only tiny snippets of any gameplay in that trailer, and it looks very.. average. You guys get it and tell me if it's good.

Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.


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