Hello, if this could be found from searching I'm sorry cause he function was giving me problems. I'm in search of two old relics from the past of KnP games
1. Transformers by James Thorpe
2. Fate (and even rarer...Fate 2) by Havoc
This is some old stuff right here. If anyone knows where I could find it, I would be forever greatful.
Shout outs to #KnP Dalnet 1990s lol. I was Sabin01/Wildfire01
All of the original files are in there. The extra fatemmf2.exe is one I made because the old K&P version wouldn't run in 64bit Windows 7. I wish I had a copy of Fate 2, but I don't. It was never finished, right? I think it was just a small demo showing off character controls or something.