I've played and heard several different games from MasterM lately, and I wanted to give him major props for making his own voice-based game soundtracks. Make sure you play Where's the Elephant, its sequel, and the more recent parody Skyrimjob when you have the chance. Although not necessarily groundbreaking in terms of gameplay, their humor and definitely background music make the games highly entertaining.
MasterM, this one's for you.
[For those of you who don't know, Jud Jud was an early 90's punk duo who made instrumental metal tunes with only their mouths. They kick ass.]
haha thanks a lot. I am glad you enjoy my crap. I have to admit I never wanted to post them on the DC because I thought people on here would lack the lulz to enjoy them
I also thought certain people (just one person) would be a Debbie Downer and talk trash so crappy fun games would end up in yet another flame war.
I used to make GOOD games (none of which I have ever submitted in like 10 years of being on the DC) but at some point I figured out:
why the hell am I even doing this? Do I do it to please some random Internet kid who will either say "this game sucks" or "good game"?
What's YOUR motivation behind making games (this goes out to everyone on here)?
I figured I make games for my own entertainment. I also want to FEEL creative. Making my own games, my own music and my own graphics makes me feel creative and the fact I am not trying hard and the result is supposed to be crap is a little bonus. It makes me laugh and when trolling little kids with my crap on newgrounds so they leave negative comments makes my day.
I figured I should put some links to my shit games in here so people know what you are talking about, smr (if you hadn't posted about glorious trainwrecks and the pirate kart on here I would have never posted my crap on here in the first place).