The main storyline of the game is based on a story about an archaeologist who finds an mysterious artifact, while digging in the remains of the ancient civilizations. The artifact brings the archaeologist to an unknown world.
Fantastic world:
Game action takes place in a fantastic world (sustained by the steampunk theme) which is separated into three regions:
Since they do not communicate with each other their world is suffering from great ecological disasters and chaos. In the centre of all of the regions live the pollution monsters which like the disorder, caused by the human pollution.
Polution monsters:
They are the ecological problems created by humans e.g garbage mountains, polluting factories, unsorted waste. Which have taken a relative type of a pollution form in an appropriate region.
Game world economy:
The money in the game is replaced by the unsorted garbage which player can acquire in the fights against pollution monsters or by cleaning up the environment. The player is encouraged to recycle the collected waste in the recycle machines, which remind real world ATM's. Through recycling, player can improve equipment, weapons, other tools, so player feels the sorting and recycling benefits.
What about ecology?
The goal of the game is to develop player's ecological mindset in a fun, indirect way:
*"Never Future" has a deep story so ecological problems are personalized for the player, therefore player is experiencing ecological problems himself.
*Tuned in the game world the player connects ecological processes taking place in the game to the real world and develops understanding that our world can lead to similar ecological disasters, and this can be avoided only by working together.
*With gamification model, by player using game recycle machines-ATM's and gaining better items from unsorted waste, "Never Future" moves good ecological game experience to the real world.
Future plans:
In the future, we will continue to improve and expand the game. We will develop more in depth story experience and add more moral choices within the game missions. Our goal is to draw attention to a wider range of environmental problems and their solutions. The game is scheduled for release in three episodes, which will reflect a different social group: workers, scientists and also business approach to ecology. In the future, we will increase educational material amount in the game and game mechanics will be more associated with the real world.
FANTASTIC artwork! Good god that is a pretty game! Can't attest to the playability yet, but the trailer is convincing!
Interesting concept. Most game ideas that begin with 'eco' premises never end up actually being playable, this looks like it might actually have mass appeal!