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  02/07/2012 21:24:42
2nd July, 2012 at 02/07/2012 21:40:15 -

Hi! I'm new here, but I was hoping maybe I could get some help on a project I'm near completing. I'm making a comic app for iOS. It's pretty simple. All I want it to do is show a comic full size and then allow the ability to zoom in and read panel by panel. My goal is to then sell packs of 50 comics as an in-app purchase.

In my first attempt, the way I created the app was by having each frame be dedicated to a comic page. There were two active objects in the frame. One was the comic at screen size, and one was a huge version of the comic where each panel would fill the screen. Swiping your finger would start a path movement that would bring you to the next panel. The problem was that 1) the fasted path movement was too slow to be practical and 2) I realized that having a comic per frame meant I'd be dealing with hundreds of frames and that it would just be a nightmare to manage.

So my second attempt I decided to have each "50 pack" be a frame. I again created two active objects. One that was comic at screen size and one that was individual panels. The panels were put into frames of an animation. Each animation in the object was a different comic. Then navigation was simply moving to the next frame of an animation to reach the next panel, and at the end of the animation it would move to the next animation, or next comic.

The second attempt worked fine, except that it ran super slow on the computer and it won't even load when I test it on the iPad. So I can only assume having hundreds of large pictures in an active object is a huge memory drain and the iPad can't handle it.

I'm really up for any solution at this point. How would you approach this project? What would you do to keep the memory down and the comics organized?

Thanks so much for your help!




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3rd July, 2012 at 03/07/2012 21:41:27 -

I would build an editor to help me manage the frame to frame movements of the comic. Then I would store and load the images as I needed them using external files.
You can get more info about external files in iOS on the clickteam forums.



  02/07/2012 21:24:42
4th July, 2012 at 04/07/2012 07:32:36 -

Thanks for the reply! According to the official iOS thread, it looks like only three types of objects allow external files. Array INI and Hi-score. So it looks like that method is probably out.


  28/02/2012 15:24:25
4th July, 2012 at 04/07/2012 10:53:21 -

This is problematic for MMF on iOS - if you want to make apps (not games), they have to be extensible with new content. I don't know how iOS works and I've heard that it's a bit funny with files, but still - by far the most logical way to run this program would be to have one frame that functions as a reader, and to be able to load external 'packs'. It kind of sucks that that's not possible.



4th July, 2012 at 04/07/2012 15:44:16 -

I don't really know how iOS programming works, but another idea is to store images externally in array files with just RGB values for each pixel in the picture and then load them using fast loops. You could store many pictures in the same array and it wouldn't take up so much space..





Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
4th July, 2012 at 04/07/2012 20:02:56 -

You might wanna make sure that this app doesn't already exist for IOS, I know Android already has a very advanced and professional comic book app called "Comixology" or something like that. Unless of course you're making your own comics for your app, witch would be different



  28/02/2012 15:24:25
5th July, 2012 at 05/07/2012 12:36:54 -

Originally Posted by Akai_R
I don't really know how iOS programming works, but another idea is to store images externally in array files with just RGB values for each pixel in the picture and then load them using fast loops. You could store many pictures in the same array and it wouldn't take up so much space..

How would you personally implement this?

Say each page was 640*480 pixels (it would be sure to be larger, if you were having a page you could move around and zoom on etc). That would be 307,200 pixels to find the RBG value for and input.

So, instead of dedicating the rest of your life to inputting data, you'd have to make a program to convert e.g. bitmaps into an array (I say bitmaps because an array with these values would basically be a bitmap). Can you do this in MMF2? Are there tools for finding/reading RBG values of individual pixels? And are there values for drawing pixels of particular RBG values (for outputting from the array)?

Also, wouldn't an array that large be quite slow to read from?




5th July, 2012 at 05/07/2012 13:43:20 -

Ok, so maybe not the best idea in the world and i dont have access to my computer now so i cant test it, but yeah, it sounds like the array files might end up too big to store/load effectively...
I think the surface objects have functions for iterating through images and catching RGB values. Try it if it works with iOS!

How does zooming and swiping work? do you have to code it yourself or is it a built in function of some iOS object?

Edited by Akai_R


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