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Thelonious Dunc


VIP Member
4th July, 2012 at 04/07/2012 14:45:13 -


My current project is a Flash game. I'd really be happy to hear anyone's input on this issue, regardless of whether or not you use the SWF exporter, but it is sort of important!

Anyway, I've been showing it to a non-MMF-using Flash developer friend and he's given me a lot of golden advice. He's also told me outright that my target of 60fps is unrealistic and unnecessary, and I'm sort of shooting myself in the foot by shutting out people with crappy computers. I don't think it's a tremendously taxing game, but it does use a bunch of layers, and I don't think anyone here would dispute that yes, it's gonna be sluggish on older machines.

So I wondered if anyone had any advice! Obviously, I've gone and built the game around a fixed 60fps and whatever I do that changes this will require a lot of hard grind. I could swap it for 30 with a few hours' work, but I've got a vague feeling that the extra investment in implementing delta time would pay off. A vague feeling, because I've never done delta time in MMF before, and because a retrofit might turn out to be insanely hard.

Obviously I'm muddled and inexperienced with this issue, so yeah - any ideas?



4th July, 2012 at 04/07/2012 15:35:08 -

If you're going to aim for such a high fps then I recommend having it tested by everyone you can possibly call on. The first reason being obviously that computers vary wildly so it's best to check it on every configuration you can find. (I'm sure you know this!) Secondly, I've read that the Flash exporter in particular can sometimes be unpredictable with regard to performance. A couple of Flashpunk/Flixel games that you may have heard of were actually made in MMF first, but later remade in AS3 after having trouble with inconsistencies due to having used the exporter.

I have a pretty old laptop here if you'd like me to test it. 1Mb RAM, Win XP



Thelonious Dunc


VIP Member
4th July, 2012 at 04/07/2012 16:20:03 -

Thanks for the reply. Dealing with SWF Exporter inconsistencies is basically something I do every day, but I'm not beaten yet, touch wood...!

The fact is, 60fps wasn't really an informed decision. The game wouldn't be hurt by running at half of that. I'm not reluctant to acknowledge that my target might be a bit silly (unless anyone strongly feels otherwise); I just never thought about it before, and now I want to confront the issue head-on.

I guess I'd really like to hear if anyone has any experience doing the delta time stuff before - I've never seen it talked about here in all these years.


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