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Registered 15/08/2012 03:32:12
Points 6
27th September, 2012 at 27/09/2012 11:30:08 -
I'm wondering if there's a limit to the amount of key presses Fusion2 can process at once? Been working on a game for a while and adding actions as I've went along, each are assigned to either Player1 or Player2 ( I started in on P2 once I'd used all P1's fire buttons )
So it looks about like this as far as setup goes, all the actions are assigned to one character
Left= Move Left
Right= Move Right
Down= Crouch
Fire1= Dash
Fire2= Jump
Fire3= Dodge
Fire4= Use
Then I began on Player2
Fire1= Open Map
Fire2= Use Special Power
And that's as far as I've gotten, in most cases that last key works just fine, like for instance if you're stopped
or walking along.. But if you're running around, say during an action oriented part of the game and you need to do a couple of things at once like: Push Right (Right) Dash (Fire1) and Jump (Fire2), pressing the Use Special Power (Fire2 P2) doesn't work at all.
So basically what I was wondering was if there's a way I can fix this? Or does MMF2 have a max amount of hidden key presses allowed at one time or anything like that?
Thanks for any help guys.
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
27th September, 2012 at 27/09/2012 11:58:57 -
It's probably more likely to do with your keyboard as to how many buttons you can press at once. I don't know of a limit in MMF2 for button presses, but many keyboards can't even handle 3 at once:
Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.
Sketchy Cornwall UK
Registered 06/11/2004
Points 1971
27th September, 2012 at 27/09/2012 12:33:04 -
Yeah, it's a hardware issue - nothing to do with MMF2. Laptop keyboards are usually the worst, while high-end gaming keyboards are normally fine.
The precise key combinations which can't be detected vary between keyboards, which is a good reason to make sure your game has configurable controls (foreign keyboard layouts being another).
Registered 15/08/2012 03:32:12
Points 6
27th September, 2012 at 27/09/2012 14:08:58 -
I really appreciate the info you guys, guess I'll have to get a better keyboard soon.
Registered 15/08/2012 03:32:12
Points 6
27th September, 2012 at 27/09/2012 23:43:29 -
So I went and got my brothers keyboard, this big fat honking things like 3 times the size of my keyboard, but it came with his HP Blackbird which I guess was built for gaming, it takes 2 usb ports god knows why. So anyway I took the fire2 P2 bind off of the Insert key and moved it over to something else.. and it turns out you guys were right, it works fine now.
Cecilectomy noPE
Registered 19/03/2005
Points 305
29th September, 2012 at 29/09/2012 04:28:01 -
As I understand it from the research I did when having this same problem in XNA about a year back, it has to do with how many signals the keyboard can make at a single time, and the keys that are mapped to individual signals. Some key combinations just don't work, while if you change one of the keys you can get more at once. a combination of 4 keys might not work, but if you take one and search for a different key you can find one that WILL press while the other 3 are still down. My laptop maxes at 4, most of the time its 3. Which really sucks when you have a platformer that regularly requires 2 arrow keys and has multiple action keys. which means in some cases you can't do 2 actions at the same time, like shooting while jumping and moving diagonally.
If your audience is casual stick to mouse based interfaces, and few key presses.