The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Klik Coding Help ::. Any reason why the game should freeze hard on change animation?

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Rick Shaw

9th March, 2013 at 09/03/2013 21:24:05 -

This is a very weird bug. I have a set of rules that change guard-type objects to animation sequence "shooting" (an animation of them getting shot) when they get shot. This works on all of my levels but on one I'm fooling around with, it causes the runtime to completely freeze.

I've tested this. Have it change to a different animation sequence and there's no problem. Remove the rule entirely and there's no problem. It's only specifically when changing to the "shooting" animation that I get a hard freeze.



Slow-Motion Riot


10th March, 2013 at 10/03/2013 05:06:15 -

Can you achieve the same effect while using a different animation? For example, even though you're shooting could you use the "bouncing" animation state instead, and then create the projectile at the business end of the gun or whatever when the animation is finished?


Rick Shaw

21st March, 2013 at 21/03/2013 08:04:39 -

Originally Posted by s-m-r
Can you achieve the same effect while using a different animation? For example, even though you're shooting could you use the "bouncing" animation state instead, and then create the projectile at the business end of the gun or whatever when the animation is finished?

Thanks for the reply- I think what you suggest would work, but ultimately I just ended up deleting the frame. It was a test frame anyway. It was quite odd though, I've never seen a bug like this before.



21st March, 2013 at 21/03/2013 12:04:30 -

This might be related to your other recent thread about using Global Objects. If you've done anything like copy & paste an object between frames (or paste a frame entirely) there's a fairly high chance that it'll mess up the integrity of your MMF file. Basically if this is the cause of the issue then deleting that object and creating it again may work.



Possibly Insane

22nd March, 2013 at 22/03/2013 16:41:44 -

nim is right, copy & paste can screw up your mmf game, not only with Global Objects.

The chance of getting a screwed up game by mmf is probably higher when more changes are made to basics of your design.


Rick Shaw

23rd March, 2013 at 23/03/2013 01:06:19 -

Originally Posted by Jenswa
nim is right, copy & paste can screw up your mmf game, not only with Global Objects.

The chance of getting a screwed up game by mmf is probably higher when more changes are made to basics of your design.

I have 47 copy/pasted frames in my game, and whenever I needed to get an object from a prior frame I would copy and paste it from there. My most commonly used objects are global and have been for a few years now. So why hasn't my project exploded? And how on earth is someone supposed to make a game in MMF without copy and paste? This seems a bit hyperbolic and I'm wondering where it's coming from.

edit: I also use a combination of global events, object behaviors, and qualifiers, all at the same time.

Edited by Rick Shaw



Possibly Insane

23rd March, 2013 at 23/03/2013 15:44:47 -

Well I am no expert on this topic, but I've some experience with the creation of my games by copy and paste. And when I reach some kind of magical number some things get corrupted and stop working, while it was perfectly working in the previous levels.

I am not exactly sure which parameters are influencing the corruption, but it might a combination of file size, event sheet size, lot's of copy and paste actions and perhaps some others.

But my experience isn't with mmf, it's with TGF and KNP. And maybe because MMF is "just" another incarnation of this same tool which started out as Click and Create, some bugs haven't been squashed yet.

With TGF I tend to stay away from global events & objects, and behaviours, qualifiers and even groups, since they have failed me too.

In order to create a game write an eninge. This engine should load external files for levels and objects. So the engine is just one frame. This is the other way of game creation, but it's not the way MMF works. Although it can be made to work, it will also easily allow you to change your engine. Because you don't need the re-edit all of your copy and pasted frames.

Unfortunately I've no other advice then to circumvent to bug you've and keep a backup copy by hand, just in case.

Other than that it's weird and it would be nice to hear from someone with more expertise on this topic.


Rick Shaw

23rd March, 2013 at 23/03/2013 18:26:10 -

I'm using MMF2 Developer. The main reason I made the switch and decided to double down on a huge project was because it seems they got everything working as it should. I remember reaching the limits of KnP back in the day with just something like ~200 different objects- but I was also abusing the hell out of the the eight global variables they give you to encode binary data.



27th March, 2013 at 27/03/2013 06:53:48 -

Is your "shooting" animation a User Defined Animation or the Pre-Defined "Shooting" one? If it's the former, it could be that MMF is getting confused between multiple animations called "Shooting". I'm just guessing, but it would make sense. You can also reference Animations by value ("Use a calculation") so that might be worth a shot.

I hope you can get the issue resolved soon. I'm looking forward to DataJack!


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