I'm wanting to skip the first two animation frames of an Active Object under certain conditions, when these conditions are met I'm doing "Animation>Change>Animation Frame..." then specifying the number I want.
It works, but it locks the players animations to the frame number indefinitely. It also carries into other animations, as if I'm saying "Always Stop Animation", the animation will change to the correct one, but not play. It's corrected by simply changing direction, but having events that say things such as "Always Start Animation" doesn't seem to fix it.
The event that triggers the Animation frame also has a "Limit Conditions>Only One Action When Event Loops" added to it, so I'm not sure why it refuses to play the animations through after initiating this event. It could be my programming, but I know MMF2 has issues with animation events and I'm guessing that's what's going on here.
Is there an easy way to skip the first couple of frames of an animation sequence? (It's really not ideal for me to divide it into a separate animation)
Thanks Nim, I've tried adding that after forcing frame 2, but it then resets the animation to frame 1 again.. :/
nivram, the animation issues I'm familiar with are usually related to "When Animation has finished". Animations sometimes will get stuck and not actually end. I know there are few people on here that have experienced this, so I don't *think* it's a conflict of events, though as always I could be wrong.
Edit: SUCCESS! Nim your method worked, but I had to recreate the event from scratch, so it was obviously an error on my part. (Maybe I did "Restore Animation Sequence"?) At least now I have a much tidier event. Thanks for the help guys.
I always skip using the built-in active object animations when I plan to display frames independently. If at some point you set the active to use one of the built-in movements, it'll default to using the standing, walking, running, jumping, and falling animations whether those are supposed to be separately displayed frames or not. There are work-arounds, but I've always found it easier just to skip all the default animations and add my own.
ChrisD> Employer: Say, wanna see a magic trick?
ChrisD> Employee: Uhh… sure, boss.
ChrisD> Employer: Your job! It just disappeared! Pack your things and leave! Pretty good trick, huh?