I can get Show/Hide layer to work easily, but I can't seem to get a smooth fade in/out to work with the Layer Object.
Usually with Active Objects, I'll retrieve current semi transparency ratio, then add/subtract from that but the Layer Object doesn't allow me to do this as Semi-transparency is not available.
I tried it using the alpha-blending coefficient, which I thought would have worked, but it doesn't allow the following expression:
That would work if it was using the Semi-transparency ratio, but with alpha-blending, it doesn't like it. Is there another way to easily fade a layer in/out? Thanks for any help.
Thanks nim, that example really helped out as it confirmed that it should have worked. It seems the quotation marks are automatically deleted when you type your layer name, which is why I was getting the error.
Edit: I'm using Direct 3D9 by the way. I have access to transparency under Effects for objects such as Actives, but it's not present under layers. Regardless, this method works perfectly.